
Her content is so boring. Especially lately. It just shows off their “money” and her modeling stupid shit. I unfollowed, I couldn’t even hate watch anymore. 😂

The episode count is probably low because the actors are pursuing other roles and projects. That’s generally why. Not to mention they can’t keep a show runner for more than one season

I just scroll pass her. I just have a hard time believing she’s wealthy like she claims. Wealthy people usually don’t flaunt like that. Even Kim Katdashian goes out in sweats and no makeup. Taylor Swift looks like a regular girl at the games. This just screams poser

Side question: the baby looks nothing like him and literally has red ass hair, is that his kid?

Also, did anyone see her last post where she literally just tried to show her “money” off. Like 5 shots of her LV bag and wallet. Showing she shopped at Pottery Barn…like ok cool. 🙄

Not sure if you’re serious lol, but I doubt they could be squatters displaying the house all over social media.

Wow!!! Yes so “transparent” 🙄

And you can lie about your age. My kid got a cash app without even telling me.

I work for Wells Fargo and I promise you they are so above board it’s not even funny. We have quarterly compliance training, constant emails and software updates. We’re currently working on a project w the fed reserve.

Cash is worse! There’s no recourse if it’s lost!

Just get a Venmo or cash app card and get direct deposit

Lol I seriously thought that too 😂 like how much do you really get along? I would hate filming 24/7

She said her husbands job had them move. That’s why.

I don’t have to say YTA because enough people have told you, you are. Smh, selfish. Hope ex hubby gets full custody and has in laws to help out

There are very few benefits to renting, besides not worrying about maintenance and having a roof over your head. But I agree, it was probably a content house. The way they always strutted down those stairs, I always wonder what neighbors think?

Right I remember when they first moved in and said they were looking to buy their dream home.

I’m sure they do this & this is so sad. These kids deserve better

I saw she said this about buying a house is a scam, like whaaaat? That’s your biggest asset and can save you money on taxes. You’re throwing money away by renting!! Like there’s no logic in this!

She was on live last night saying that house buying is a scam cause it puts you into debt for 30 years. But what she fails to realize, it helps you on taxes, and you’re still paying someone’s mortgage. Might as well be your own. This is not smart.