That's enough internet for me tonight. Thanks, I hate it.

Freshly peeled dog looks happy to be out of that mess. I am sure even though he doesn't know you, he loves you.

Teddybear hamster named Orthanic. LOTR fan here. XD

This looks like a failed molt. Such a pretty shrimp.

The OP stated that where they live crates are illegal.

This is gunna be weird but I think a piece of driftwood or maybe a rock would be better. You have a beautiful plant layout already IMHO. But, I'm only a year into owning plants and have had some ups and downs.

Went to my lfs today and my awesome lfs guy always just gives me plants! Today it's the floater in the pic (not the salvinia). Can anyone help me identify it?

I said I barely do water changes when there is high nitrates. I test the water every week. Am I supposed to change the water when I have no ammonia and no nitrites? I fear the plants don't have enough nutrients as the nitrates are never higher that 25? And yes... I won't be getting CPDs. Also one pleco is 2in and one is 1.5in. They don't eat a lot yet.

Instead of down voting me, please teach me. That's why I am here. :( I thought because I have to do so infrequent water changes, it was ok to push the limits a bit. They are all tiny fish, so it's not about getting a fish that is too big for the aquarium. I am asking for knowledge?

Well that's what I was trying to debate. I have a 20g long and a 10g that has 5 SAEs that were on loan from my lfs. I am returning them on Friday as they have done their job but I wanted to break down that tank and move even more plants over to the 20g long and get the CPDs. I don't really mind the possibility of more water changes. I could wait. But if I am already having to do less than one water change per month, is it really a problem if I get the CPDs? Aren't the rasboras and danios all friendly with each other and would feel BETTER with a stronger school?

Omg mine is too epic. I hate my name but roughly translated is "The Song of Happiness from the Valley of Shadows." Good thing I go by my nick name. I can thank husband for the dramatic last name.

So I already have all of those fish except the CPDs. I just need it to last till I can get the 40gal breeder tank.

So I already have everything on that list except for the CPDs. I just need it to last till I can get the 40gal breeder.

Edit: I should also add that since I have had all of that in the 20g long for a month, I have not had to do a water change per the test kit. Just evaporation top offs.

I should have added that the tank is a moderately planted tank. I test the water weekly. I already have everything in the 20g long except for the CPDs.

How many can comfortably fit in a 40gal breeder tank? I will have 10 emerald eyed rasboras, 10 dwarf rasboras, 10 CPD, one mystery snail, 2 bristlenose plecos, a handful of nerites and maybe 300 plus rcs? Could I have maybe 6?

I almost fell down the stairs because of this. Pretty sure I borrowed one of his 9 lives that day. As he got older, he stopped darting in front of us.

Hell... my husband and I do this to our CAT. Fun fact... while dogs have more smell receptors overall... cats have more different types of smell receptors. If they actually cared about us like dogs... they would be better at scenting for everything from hunting prey, bombs, and cancer/near death smells. XD But dogs are just so much more people driven. I only have a cat right now and he is the bestest boi he can be for a cat. I love him to bits and he gets to not only smell my breath whenever he wants... he always wants to smell what we eat too. Which is fine cuz he is so picky he always shakes his paw like he stepped in something wet and wanders off to his food. XD

./gestures vaguely around... does this world seem like it's something I want to leave a child to deal with?

They are omnomnivores. Meat was on the menu. BTW, I have 2 bristlenose and they are both out and about and they are fine with my colony of RCS and snails and my rasboras.