I'd rather you actually educate yourself about our politicians

Unfortunately those ideals Biden represents are absolutely shit. Wake up liberals and get a backbone, absolutely cringe statement too lmao.

Feels like you are having an entirely different conversation than what the post is about

Leftist (mainly progressives) and union workers hated her enough to not vote for her too. Not that they would have voted for Trump, but anyone further left that would have considered a vote for a Democrat was easily soured by her.

Bernie at the very least wins the same amount of states as Hillary, but doesn't get destroyed in the Midwest and could have pulled out a victory through only needing 2 or 3 states shifting.

The states Hillary lost to Trump in Bernie had a significant advantage over Hillary via polls, it's very likely Bernie would not have lost some of the Midwest states that Hillary did. Plus the amount of baggage she carried was easily targeted by Trump. Bernie basically had zero baggage in comparison.

Bernie probably wins Wisconsin, and has actually better chance than Hillary at winning Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan to the point he likely wins one or two of them. (Ohio I think was going red no matter what, but maybe I'm wrong)

Bernies message and policies alone already favored the Midwest. And sure he would have been worse off at states like Florida, Arizona, and maybe Iowa, but she lost those anyway

A question wasn't asked about what a random redditor would have done, you just wanted to share your shitty opinion regardless.

At least with Braum I think it was executed well, like his kit made sense and playing against him you knew what you had to do effectively to fight against him, I wouldn't necessarily call any of his abilities oppressive or unfun to play against.

League of Legends around 2018-2019 i wanna say, it was more of a series of updates that started in 2018 where any rework of an old champion (like Irelia, Aatrox, Volibear, Urgot, Warwick) and new releases created champion kits that just made these champions so unfun to play against, like the kits as a whole were overly oppressive, remove a lot of weaknesses, or would allow them to easily escape harm. Playing as those characters was still fun if not way more fun, but the tradeoff was that it exponentially made the people/team playing against these characters have much less fun imo. Which to me is not a good ratio for adding fun to the game.

I pretty much stopped playing in 2021 because the pool buildup of the new champions and reworked champions being super unfun to play against just got way too big. That plus the fact that the game shifted to one where a single player couldn't really carry a game, but a single person could easily lose a game was an unfortunate epiphany I came to around that same time.

Are they actually arbitrary? I thought Nascar had pretty specific years that certain generations/versions of cars were utilized? Like COT was a distinct set of years I know for sure.

Too be fair even as niche of a stat it is, the other names on the list immediately make it an interesting stat to consider

Just accept it and move on? Rather than worrying about if the notification is going away or not you could just accept the reward and never have to see or use it again lmao.

I think we are talking more about how unusable the platform is itself lmao.

Obviously all the sites have degenerates, but if you are still using Twitter at this point you have to be paying for it or genuinely not care how poorly it operates. I stopped using it a few months after Elon took over cause the usability took an astronomical nosedive. Reddit and the like does its fair share of screwing over the user, but the platform at least works properly.

There was at least some sort of moderation to where I wasn't seeing blatant Nazi support, political shitlords thrown on my timeline because they paid money, openly racist posting, and targeted harassment every other post, plus it does in fact cost money to not be bombarded by spam and blue Checkmark comments and posts shoved in my face. It was to the point it was basically useless to use the app, so while Twitter itself doesn't cost money, to actually get any sort of tangible usage out of it outside of niche hobbies and such was a nightmare if you didn't pay money.

I stopped using it a few months after Elon took over because the usability took an astronomical nosedive if you didn't pay. Before then I legitimately used it for an hour a day on average. So in a way to actually "use" Twitter I would in fact argue it costs money.

I mean Kim Jacinto's art has a very distinctive pose/proportion which is quite literally one of if not the main feature of Kim's style. Have you not looked at their variants? A good chunk of PANDARTS artwork has a near identical pose/proportion to Kim's. The ones that stick out the most in my head are PANDARTS Magneto, Cannonball, and Hope Summer, I'd look at those then compare to some of Jacinto's if you are confused what people have been talking about.

I'm not sure if they actually tried to copy Kim's or not, but on top of the generic artstyle it just looks like a worse version of Kim's art and are entirely too similar.

Probably half the people in the subreddit will tell you how PANDART poses a lot of their characters the same way as Kim Jacinto to the point it looks like they copied how Kim places their characters imo, as well as how the characters are proportioned in those said poses. It was one of the most common comments here for the pandart artist takeover right behind the AI look, and I'd frankly agree. The Mr. Negative one is about the only one I think looks nice, the rest are just painfully generic looking.