The whole idea behind /r/Shitty_Car_Mods is they make the car worse. Anything done to a CT is at worst a lateral move. Kind of hard to go downhill from the bottom already.

Tail stand, to deter the pilot from doing a Carolina Squat.

I can't get into the skulls. They're the worst weapon for me.

Looks better than that $35 plate someone else showed.

For what it's worth, I never temp my ribs. 5-6 hours at around 225 is enough for me.

Yup, and none of them have the "it factor" that Donnie 34 does. When he's out of the picture, the party is toast.

I hope that doesn't awaken something in me.

I thought the title was the set up to a joke.

Ok Cindy, let's go do some landscaping. It's only 105° out, you got this, right?