North Carolina doesn’t list weight on their IDs

It’s been about 100 days since your comment and 1 year since she made this post. Just wanted to update you that she hasn’t been on ozempic in that years time and she did not gain the weight back.

All you have to do is work in a hospital and you will change your mind. Covid and HIV were and are real. The conspiracy has been where they came from and why they exist, not IF they exist.

If I have to eat fake meat I’m just going to eat a black bean or quinoa burger. I’m not going to eat lab meat.

Literally writing this sandwich down so I remember to make a copy later because it looks soooo good

For me it’s the “says the dragon who refused to put her harness on for 20 minutes” because it’s absolutely the same as a toddler refusing to get in their booster seat

My hospital was filled to over capacity during Covid. You were stuck in the ED until someone died in order to give you their spot in the ICU. The morgue was filling faster than they could handle. Every night I got pulled down there, I watched people scrambling to get all their protective gear on in order to get into a code and it was a mess.

I am a nurse and worked on a Covid unit. It was and is a real thing.

Many who get Covid now, in my experience, are just experiencing light cold symptoms and are shocked they test positive, but it is still happening. My coworkers will test positive and end up missing a week of work when they suddenly have a head cold and can’t taste anything.


I’m a nurse and you are always allowed to request a different nurse and you don’t have to give a reason why you need someone different, just don’t be rude or verbalize the discrimination. The nurse likely won’t mind at all that you want someone else, they will just be given another patient and probably already had a full load of patients.


I’m a nurse and you are always allowed to request a different nurse and you don’t have to give a reason why you need someone different, just don’t be rude or verbalize the discrimination. The nurse likely won’t mind at all that you want someone else, they will just be given another patient and probably already had a full load of patients.

Really need a cliffs notes version of it

‘You broke my nose ?!’

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ ‘Alive’

‘Can you carry the luminary while insulted?’

‘Says the dragon who spent 20 min refusing to put her harness on!’

People still hate him because redemption arc or not, he got two dragon riders and their dragons and nearly an entire flight of gryphon fliers and presumably their gryphons killed.

What the fuck is the waitress gonna do with 5 bucks these days

“So, I did a thing” “Adulting” “Friendly/Gentle Reminder” “I was today years old” “Tell me you don’t _____ without telling me you don’t _____” “Neurospicy”

It’s just a fun little thing for like 99% of the people who will ask you this question. Growing up it was “what’s your hogwarts house” and it is no more or less serious than that.

I’m a travel nurse and I would have been on the streets if I didn’t get the vaccine. I got it like a day before the final deadline.

My one thing, which is also one of my loose theories, would be to learn through Xaden raising a wyvern that we learn they have autonomy and remember their past life, having been raised from a dragon carcass, and he raises or assumes control of one as old as Andarna who can tell us about her family