Yea 2 gummies once a day. Single serving size is two gummies.

My dad has mobile mecanic friends who did and engine swap in my car in two days. Its not unrealistic.

Dont have to, just strap it to a tow truck and frame the shot so you dont see it. And for the ones were you cant just use cgi.

I like how he stopps filming the exterior as soon as they start struggling. Dont want to give the truck a bad name.

The quickest why Ive seen when I was in school during the whole "silly band" craze is for the teachers to adopt it and oversaturate it to the point were it becomes cringe. Incorperate it into thier learning, start saying it non stop or use it in the wrong context.

Just dont zoom in lmao. The fenders, bumper and side skirts/body kit are destroyed.

Maybe taking an awd sytem from an acura, they are basically awd hondas or possibly a crv awd.

I mean its not completely useless, unlimited skips, offline listening, better audio quality, 0 ads.

I bought a couple of 100 fnaf sticker packs from amazon for super cheap totally obvious that they were stolen. Im 100% sure that it was part of the whole dropshipping thing. A couple of businesses selling the exact same product for varing prices from the same sorce. Not much that you can do about it, those "companies" pop up like weeds and its not limited to amazon.

I dont either I think they are cool, but if had to choose an ev I would go with the ionic 5.

Well it is a rolling appliance, its just adding/ completing the theme.

Its your job to know exactly what I want or I won't pay, its not good customer service. /s

Yea, ditch the wheels and reset the camber it would make a cool early 2000s style build.

What ive been taught is if someone is invading your lane and can potentially make contact just stay in your lane, if they hit you it would be thier fault for not maintaining thier lane. I also bought a front and rear dash cam to cover my arse. If they slammed on the brakes they could still cause an accident if it wasn't clear behind them.

Then why dont they just remove the mirror? Its just an unuseable eyesore.

I think it says "jesus loves you!" For some reason there isn't a space in between u and !.

Never had an issue with this, been using spotify for 3 years and havent had this once

I noticed its a common thing for these types of pitches for "get money quick" scams.