Manet also exists

I remember when Pierre Despereaux, the greatest thief that ever lived, stole one in Canada. He was foiled by a psychic vacationing from Santa Barbara.

I have read "Manet" before but from context I could guess it was not a French Modernist painting.

:den-4: Nuggets

the guy I was responding to is saying that is wrong as well that its not reggie "and" picks its reggie "for" picks. I am asking for a source for that.

:den-4: Nuggets

How do you not need a source? I can't find anything that says that.

I also have a very generous investment opportunity in bridges if you're interested

Miles or Mikal?

First night I went to a frat party. My roommate and 2 friends of his were legacy so they knew they were getting into the frat. At some point the brother of my roommate's friend gave us nearly $200 and told us to go get beer.

When roommate and I returned with cases of beer, they wouldn't let us back in. I tried explaining their money was spent on this beer. We went back to the door with 8 cases of beer and quickly became friends with nearly everyone on our dorm floor.

They have reset my counter strike hours numerous times.

I think people overestimate the difficulty of building a PC. Its really more like assembling parts. Honestly, I think it was easier at 13 than when I was an adult cos I had smaller fingers.

The online community really helps too. I followed a build guide posted by a member of our CS clan cos reddit and youtube didn't exist back then.

I blocked her cos I'm not into the controversy but by god she is now infecting other subs.

First cell phone I was 11. My parents worked long odd hours and I spent a lot of time away from home.

I have never been into laptops but I built my first PC when I was 13.

Smartphone I was a late to the party I think I didn't get one until the galaxy S3 came out.

My left nostril. Not much flair but fairly impressive

Also depends on the location. I'm fairly confident I could outlast a blue whale in the Rocky Mountains.

How do you fuck up a "symbol for hope" that badly?

Yeah was just trying to make a joke. I see it was unsuccessful. Oh well.