-chicken fajitas

-salmon, sweet potato, asparagus quinoa bowls with dill vinaigrette

-teriyaki chicken thighs with rice and either roasted broccoli or squash. May double it so we can do it for 2 dinners.

-spaghetti and either squash or salad

-take and bake from a local place of cod, artichokes, asparagus and couscous. Probably too similar to my salmon bowls but oh well, convenience.

Job 1. Altho paid less, you’ll save on commute costs, probably food, etc while WFH so the pay difference may be slightly less than it looks on paper. Take it easy, ignore the catty coworkers, recover from your health issues while working towards your NP. Sounds like either choice would be temporary so I’d take less pay for a bit to focus on school and health.

We haven’t liked a single protein yet so I don’t have high hopes😂 but at least adults will have leftovers


Tried to make a baby friendly meal plan this week because my 8m old is finally eating a bit more but is becoming quite opinionated about what he’ll have (mostly fruit). Also trying to do more meals that make large batches enough for 2 dinners to make evenings/dishes with 2 kids less chaotic, so please send any recs of your favorite large batch leftover meals!

-Tonight we had salmon, sweet potatoes, broccoli with a yogurt/dill/horseradish sauce. Baby refused salmon but did like sweet potatoes roasted which was a win because he’s refused them steamed.

-Lunch tomorrow will probably be leftover salmon over salad.

-Mississippi pot roast (minus the stick of butter most recipes call for because that seems excessive..) on hoagies with provolone, side of green beans. Thinking there will be leftovers.

-Smitten Kitchen French onion lentil & farro bake which is still on repeat here. Bonus because it makes enough for 2 dinners.

-Spaghetti and salad or squash if leftovers don’t get us to end of week.

Without knowing your finances, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Pensions are hard to come by these days and that’d prob be worth it alone. Most people could prob find ways to save money with an entire day off a week- cut back on childcare that day if possible, better meal planning leading to saved grocery money and eating out, etc. Time is money.

Same thing happened to me at 2m pp. We were mostly exclusively pumping as baby never got hang of breastfeeding altho we bf some. The fear of it happening again was partly what led me to continue! I had to wean on the affected side as I stopped getting any output post surgery and had some complications I was afraid continuing to pump contributed to. I pumped on the other side until 1 year, altho we combo fed as I didn’t get enough from just the one side. Gave up trying to bf around 4m and just exclusively pumped. On baby #2 now and exclusively breastfed with pumped bottles while I’m at work- going on 9m. I get some on the affected side this time around (maybe 1/4 or less of what I get on the good side), it’s mostly good as a pacifier altho I do get some output.

High chair, convertible car seat, as many baby wipes as you have room for, larger size diapers. Slumberpod and travel noise machine if you plan to do any travel.

Are you talking about raw broccoli and carrots or cooked? I’d push back on that if cooked. Steamed broccoli is one of the safer finger foods there is- we sent it all the time to daycare. We did a lot of tofu and steamed potatoes also.

I love my job in dialysis! I lucked out getting the clinics I have. I love how well I know my patients. It’s mentally stimulating and busy enough to be interesting to me but also enough low key days to take it easy just charting sometimes. Reviewing MBD med changes is very interesting to me. It’s flexible and great work life balance.

-Tonight we’re grilling flank steak for Mother’s Day with a strawberry goat cheese salad and corn.

-Everyday Dinner’s baked vegetable burrata ziti. It’s large enough the next night will be leftovers.

-Grilled chicken thighs, probably corn again because the toddler is obsessed and green beans or salad.

-Thursdays have become food truck night, so I basically am done planning meals for the week on Weds. Fri we finish whatever is left in the fridge- usually chicken sausages and random veggies or get takeout.

Same here. Every ride to/from daycare it’s “I want daddy I want daddy” I was doing bedtime for about a week while dad sleep trained the baby and it was a meltdown every night daddy didn’t do it. Meltdown because I pushed the stroller instead of daddy. Went to a Mother’s Day event at daycare last week it was “where’s daddy.” I keep telling myself it’s normal. I try to spend intentional fun time together. I try not to give into meltdowns when I’m going to do something with him but honestly sometimes it’s easier to give in and let dad push the stroller rather than have a 30 min meltdown about it.

Rotating car seat- have it forward facing for 9 yr old to get past then rotate it rear facing.

These are well intentioned but I hate that daycares plan these during the week. We have daycare because we work during the week. I went to ours this week and there were only about 4 or 5 out of 12 kids moms there so I wouldn’t feel guilty at all if you don’t go- it’s not like you’ll be the only one not able to attend. That said if you want to go, can you just say you have an appointment in the morning and you’ll be in after that? They absolutely don’t need details. I also like the other persons suggestion of a special guest in your place!

Charge him for half of what a nanny would be or file for child support.

Having a hard time planning because it was 50s and rainy this weekend and 80s and sunny by end of week. But anyways

-Skinny taste dill orzo chicken soup yesterday, leftovers today.

-Fritata (mushroom artichoke maybe?) and apple arugula salad

-local take and bake of cod piccata with roasted veggies and grain

-tofu veggie quinoa bowl

-food truck night

You can still be with her & have help on Saturdays. Get a mother’s helper for a few hours. You can split the time to get groceries, have them do some meal prep or watch your daughter while you do so, laundry, etc.


Avocado toast for breakfast, pork ribs and cauliflower from a rotisserie place at the farmers market and strawberries for lunch, and chicken orzo dill soup for dinner. Cheese and goldfish for snacks.

Tomorrow leftovers for lunch, pizza place for dinner. Breakfast is usually a smoothie.

I love our Avent fast one too! It’s like 90 seconds I think? And small so not in way.

She’s my BEC but now healthyIVF not only is selling people her IVF prep “program” with no medical background, but now is offering a diet program as well. I know plenty of trainers and others also do this, but omg you are not a dietitian! You are just recommending your stupid overpriced organic food and supplements with absolutely zero qualifications. Maddening.


We’re only a couple of weeks in, so far he still cries a couple of mins when going down. Precious Little sleep says it’s their way of “powering down” so I think it’s normal for some. He’s at daycare during the week so we haven’t gotten to work on naps much yet (and are on the go a lot on the weekends with a toddler). We try the same routine, but so far he’s needing more assistance to go down at naps. Edit to add: I don’t feed before 5 hrs at night, then 3 hrs after that. If he wakes up before then, we leave him be and he goes back to sleep on own or dad checks on him if that’s not working for a diaper change or whatever. If after that, I’ll feed if needed but leave him for 10-15mins fussing he’s usually going back to sleep on his own.

I started bedtime feed in a bright room, then started passing off to dad who read a book, rocked until calm and put down. First night he cried 45 mins, 2nd night 18 and now only a couple before putting himself to sleep. With our first, Ferber made more mad than CIO so we just did mostly CIO and would check in if needed. If I did bedtime, made him mad because he still wanted to nurse to sleep so worked better with dad doing it. He still sometimes does a feed overnight at 8m but I can put him right down after it and he stays down.

Yeah we’re in one of those🫣 I don’t understand all the preschools that get out at like 2 then you have to figure out whole other care. We’ll be sticking with ours and hoping they don’t close like a lot in the area have.

In East Bay, not the city but agree. Others we looked at had worse/less hours for higher price.


$4320/month for an infant and toddler in Bay Area. Going up in August to $4770 😩 not the most expensive in the area by any means. Includes diapers, wipes and snacks but not meals.