Day in the Life of A ZERO - While Thru Hiking the ATVideo

Just tried to film and piece together what a zero day looks like but also, I came into town to visit. They did rest but we also visited some local "things to do" attractions. It was nice seeing my two guys. They are hiking the last leg of the Appalachian trail now. For reference we were in Quechee, VT.

HP 3755 Won't ConnectTroubleshooting

Any help would be appreciated. I've tried the virtual chat on HP's app but it's not fixing the problems. The printer isn't showing up to select for wifi printing. I can't even print anymore if connected with a usb cable. when i select for hp to diagnose the problem it says there is not a problem. When I go to print it shows as printer offline. please help me. this is a nightmare. Bluetooth is on. i tried to download new drivers because i thought that might be a problem but couldn't find them to download. how do i know if the printer is connected to my network?

Yes, I agree. We've only completely lost contact a few times so far. It hasn't been too bad. They do have the Garmin Inreach 2 and that helps ease my mind.

As a family we’ve always gone on hikes around our area. We live in western NC so there are plenty of places. Also he’s an Eagle Scout so he earned a hiking merit badge when he was about 13 years old. He just loves being outside and seems to be able to make anything more fun. He told us that when my husband (his stepdad) asked about him going he just didn’t want to regret not doing it one day.

Yes! She took awesome pictures of them. I thought that was so kind of her! I am trying to treat myself as I can. To be frank it’s tricky with a little farm to make time to do something like that but I do go to a coffee shop nearby to just work from my laptop. That’s a treat for me.

I will definitely read it. I’ve read a lot of AT books to help ME prepare for them going on the trail but not one from my perspective. Thank you!

I understand completely. I’ve never been away from my husband or son for this long - ever. And every time I go to visit and have to leave it’s very hard. I kept thinking it would get easier but honestly it hasn’t. They have moved it when I come to visit and I actually cook a meal that they love from home. That seems to make them feel a little happier.

That’s so sweet!!! They made it to Vermont yesterday!

That’s a great idea. I know you’ll be a little ahead of the bubble but the hikers you encounter will definitely appreciate it bc not many people are doing trail magic for them. My guys loved getting cold drinks like Gatorade and soft drinks. They also really loved fresh fruit and cookies.

We loved hiking around Hot Springs and Max Patch NC

Thanks but I feel like they are doing the hardest work. Lol.

Awe that’s so cool! I always like hearing that my boy is nice when I’m not around. Lol.

The whites are my biggest concern for my two that are out there now. They will be getting to them around June 1-ish.

I think giving yourself 6 months to hike it and recover moderately is reasonable.

Thermarest x therm is what my guys are using. They’ve made it 1600 miles on it so far and still like it.

If you need a hostel. Above the clouds has amazing people that are extremely helpful.

Appalachian Trail - A Mom's Perspective

I wanted to share some thoughts about being the one left behind while your person is off thru hiking the Appalachian Trail. I thought that maybe some of you could relate and it might be helpful for others when they decide to hike in the future. Currently my husband and my son are thru hiking the trail. Their trail names are Gear Magnet and Landline in case you've come across them. They are 48 and 17 years old. They actually started hiking on February 11 and anticipate being finished by about June 20th-ish.


Jeff (Gear Magnet) has wanted to do a thru hike for many years. He is the main income producer in our family so he truly never thought it would be possible for him to take off work for so long. A lot of different things fell into place the last couple of years that ultimately led to this dream to become a reality. I am most definitely the kind of person that will encourage a dream. So, I certainly will support my husband in his. He worked hard so I could stay home and homeschool my son so the least I could do was be 100% behind this adventure. Then, it happened to work out that Gavin (Landline) graduated high school early and wanted to go too.

To be honest, it's been harder than I thought staying home. We have a small farm and managing it has been more tiresome and sometimes overwhelming than I ever thought. I've realized how much they truly help around the house, and I am going to be more grateful for them when they come back home.

We've had a lot more expenses than we ever expected but it's ok - who needs retirement. lol.

They've met so many interesting people on this journey. There has been so much kindness shown to them that Jeff's faith in humanity has increased dramatically. The hostels have been exactly what they needed when they needed it. Shuttle drivers have stepped in and helped when needed. Friends and family have even sent money when unexpectedly they needed a motel room or new shoes.

I've gotten to go visit them more often than initially expected because of all the farm products I've been selling recently. It's truly been a blessing. But the planning has been difficult at times. Just trying to estimate where they may be on a certain date, finding a place to stay on short notice, and then making the drive is pretty exhausting sometimes. I told them from the beginning that if it is too hard for them to see me go then I won't come but they just keep telling me to come.

I know this will be an experience they will never forget - and I won't either. I'd love to answer any questions you may have from the support person's perspective.

My guys hiked it and said it wasn't that bad at all in comparison to other parts of the AT they hiked prior to that section. But by that point they had been hiking a while. It would be harder for me to just go and hike that section without doing 6 weeks of hiking every day prior but they said I definitely could hike it. I hope that helps.

My guys are hiking currently - just made it to Vermont. They actually haven't had much back pain but they contribute that to getting good backpacks. So just make sure your pack fits you well and shoes are good too. They are way ahead of the bubble which they did intentionally lol. But I'm pretty sure it is right in VA. I think the cheapest hostel they have stay at was about $30/night but also there are some that are donation only.