Why? Like I know it’s a stupid debate but it has nothing to do with where they’re from, the US makes anyone who lives there unhealthy from the shitty food choices. That’s the point why are we splitting hairs about nature vs nurture? The fuck? Haha

She’s very informative but there is so much she could teach that she doesn’t or doesn’t know about, aftet a while I moved on from her videos because real trauma healing isn’t something she’s adept at and there’s a lot of channels and books out there that helped me after, but you’re 100% right

En colombia se puede invertir en fondos indexados de USA?

Go to a sports medicine doc, at the very least they can tell you if it’s a specific tendon by doing some things with ya, but also an MRI wouldn’t hurt. I actually sprained something in my knee playing soccer. Took me about 2 months to be ok but I play about 2-3 times a week and I came back after week 3 but slowly, no aggression. Very similar to your just more acute

Hmm kind of. I’ve been literally releasing tightness and tension just because feeling through the tension. It melts away with time when I feel it, but I haven’t felt grief or anything. Sometimes I feel fear, but it’s mostly about letting go of the pain itself. I keep wondering if it’ll come to be that one lots of tension goes away I start feeling deeper feelings.

Thanks for your input

Question.. as you started working with your sensations, was it at first just tension, tightness and pain and eventually underneath in those same areas you began feeling feelings and memories of actual events?

I think your phone changed repercussions to reproduction

I already said I hate Trump. He’s a monster. They’re both monsters. Ones just worse than the other. In this case Trump. This is worse than a douche and turd sandwich for election.

Fuck trump to hell but Biden is funding a genocide. They’re both psychopaths, but Trump will also be a psychopath to people of this nation, primarily immigrants and minorities.. that’s WWII levels of regression

Tal vez sea terapeuta licenciada

They got a soccer field right next door, still better than the US

I once read about a term in obscure psychology called ‘sensate substitute’: essentially we fill an emotional hole with something that takes the shape of the void we feel (metaphorically speaking since we’re talking about sensations and feelings). Most people are aware addictions and even milder things like shopping or working out can fill the void.. but not many people are aware that yeah things like patriotism.. and taken to the extreme nationalism and racism etc help you fill similar voids within yourself. The problem is you sacrifice so much of yourself.. you burn away your humanity by trying to stay warm with an identity that is illusory. So a sensate substitute can be an intangible thing that fills a whole within your emotional self. Like deep identification with something bigger than yourself.

I already have a band name.. however I’ve only released singles never an album…

The dying hallucinations of the total human gestalt is a fucking cool sentence.

Lmfao you proved my point and the worst part.. is you can’t see it