It's a joke, that boy doesn't belong in the NBA..

Because he cares about us, Ohioans and tries hard to keep us from getting screwed. Gerrymandering is the problem in Ohio. Fix that, more democrats in office.

Remember she is socially stunted. She was kept as a child for years. She hasn't grown up.

No Ken was there first, and broke it off with her. Fat Ryan is a rebound.

That asshole only has a seat due to gerrymandering. Look at his district. Itsca frickin joke, just like him. Ask yourself why he has a law degree, but is without a license to practice...

Also known as big butter front of a shady church.

interesting, never thought of that

Christian Luboutin are very expensive 795 to 1000 dollars for shoes. Known for the red soles..

That piece of shit has done exactly "0" for the state of Ohio.

The one who was not a Trump guy, and then kissed his ass.. I mean the ring to get elected. Most sane Ohioans didn't vote for his ass. Hillbilly Ethergy, my ass.

Not gonna last long, he'll hurt his pride..POS

I played with regulation basketball, the same size as the men. Looks like they pussied out.

He still kissed the orange ass to get elected. The so called "Never a trump guy"

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that the voting districts are swayed to Republicans. They have been ordered to fix the districts, and have not.

not really..we protected voting rights and womens rights.

Gerrymandering is the problem in this state.

Ohio is home to bobcats, copper heads, and rattlesnakes.And the influences from the south are a result of people moving here looking for jobs in the 40's,50's and 60's. We have Lake Erie, the Great Ohio River and we fought for slavery emancipation with the underground railroad..its also called the home of there is that.

Possibly another network is gonna pick it up?

Obviously you didn't see him.put guests off for cocaine use, and return guests for refusing to follow the rules. Thats ok..your opinion, as mine is for Kerry..again couldn't stans him on adventures, gave him a shot..done

No one here wants an ignorant sqeelers fan in the state. How do you spell the football teams name: MORONS

No, he is ass kissing the orange baboon and wants to "finish" the wall....and use the army to stop em from coming. Kent State anyone? speech is a thing of the past..