Fried Spam (Dad would make it for me), and good chicken n dumplings like my Mamaw made. Salmon patties remind me of my mom but I’m picky about others for obvious reasons lol

I apparently mumbled about seeing fish (was dreaming about playing Fishdom), and then my first coherent words were:

(slurred) “Where am I?”

Nurse: “You’re in the hospital, hun.”

“....the fuck?

Where The Red Fern Grows. I can handle rereading it maybe once a year even though I know what Old Dan and Little Anne will do to me 🥺

That cake is absolutely gorgeous, and I love the pop of colors! I’d almost feel bad eating it....except chocolate. 💜

How did you/your wife manage that beautiful piping? Like did you go by icing color, or shapes and fill in, or row by row? Everything looks so pristine!

String cheese. But you have to peel it for him and it has to be thin enough.

Me watching the spider crawl: Awww, little friend!

Spider: starts crawling towards that open sleeve


Sisters is what I recall, though this is the first I’ve heard of it being a ship....

Close second for Velvette for me is her reaction to Val slaughtering one of her models just being an exasperated “DAMNIT VALENTINO”

Heirloom grape/cherry tomatoes (the multicolored ones) sliced with a little sprinkle of sea salt. Or I’ll slice them and mozzarella pearls with some shredded basil and balsamic for a mini caprese salad to take to work. Nothing wrong with store bought if that’s what tickles your taste buds!

1) Take cat

2) Tuck into loaf shape

3) No longer long cat

I love how spiders can be such protective mamas, even though if I ever saw this in person I would probably (definitely) run away screaming. Like dang you see more “acceptable” animals like horses and livestock flat out reject their young, but this wolfie is like “welp I’m a minivan now” 💜

They are sisters from the episode about Rarity’s Canterlot boutique IIRC!

🎶Cruisin’ on down Main Street, you’re relaxed and feeling good

I’m like you are cool, and amazing, and a part of nature....but crawl on me and we may not have a good day. 😂 One day I do want to try and hold a tarantula because some of them are GORGEOUS! But also I’ll be like “one wrong move and we both die”

I’m gonna be honest, I’ll still probably run screaming from a huntsman lol. My brain still goes “you could jump at my face and we will both have a very bad day”. But like...on the other hand, I never knew some spiders like tarantulas were so fragile? Like I had no idea dropping one from a small height could hurt or kill them. And then seeing mama wolf spiders covered in babies...I guess I’m caught between “aww mama spood” and “OH GOD LEGS GET THEM AWAY”

I mean heck a post here had a wolf spider close up and I caught myself going awwwww because she was making the 🥺 face. I want to love spiders but part of my brain still has that visceral reaction you know?

I’m like you know what, do your thang little dude.

Just please don’t follow me in my car because neither of us will have a good time.

Christine, Christine, Christiiiiine....I’m begging you, please don’t take that Stand

I do like them, it’s just the bigger ones creep me out while simultaneously fascinating me! Little ones like jumping spiders and this spood are adorable (as long as they stay off of me lol), and we used to have a golden orb weaver outside my parents’ deck door that we named Webley and fed bugs to. Bigger ones like wolf spiders and tarantulas just instinctively make me wig out, but I still think they look cool if that makes sense? Seeing people’s 8 legged buddies in this sub is actually helping some....though not gonna lie, still have to hide some of the close up face photos lol.