Frasier ran for 2 decades and in my opinion one of the funniest and best written shows but not even up there.

Just take this inaccurate map down now before it gets indexed by Google

People maximizing their credit cards only to get smoke blown up their asses, literally

Most people think “mental illness” on first glance. Cult was a long time ago. They drank the kool aid at the very beginning. It’s too late for them.

It may not add enough value in their life for the amount of work it takes (dialing in, timing, doctor appointments, labs). Then it takes actual lifestyle changes and most people just want a cure-all magic pill, when they realize their implementation of TRT isn’t working out as easy, they slowly give up and move back to their old lifestyle.

100%. Funny that I had the same panic not long ago. First thing that came to mind was that maybe I had some chronic underlying issue- though all my health checks are fine.

Its lack of sleep, overuse of stims (they exhaust your hormones in time) in the morning along with hard workouts can lead to exhaustion in the afternoon. The next day I went to bed at 745 pm, got over 8 hours of sleep (most I’ve gotten in months) and felt great all the way until bedtime next day.

Skip gym in the morning if you anticipate a long day at work. My work is physically and mentally draining so I’ve learned to cut back on gym if I need the energy later in the day. Problems solved all around.

Same as you. I work out at 5 am because gyms are nearly empty. Then by 3 pm I’m zero energy. I think just going to bed earlier helped

Sigh. This has been my issue from the start, sadly after many hours of trying to figure out the cause as all the labs are optimized, it seems like it’s a specific serotonin receptor that’s at stake: this receptor is responsible for many/long erections during the day, but prevents orgasm. Paradoxically Viagra (which you technically don’t need) temporarily helped shorten that time, but after awhile, that stopped working too.

It’s great on your early 30’s like it was for me. But the fatigue with traffic, the slowly gerrymandered state politics creep (see women’s rights, internet porn surveillance to name a couple), the temperature and the lack of anything to do outside of the city. Overall it’s a great place for socializing in your late 20’s early 30’s. But I feel it gets exhausting to be in this city. Also many jobs are underpaid because it’s saturated with people that want to live here, but it’s a high COL city.

I would be proud of her too. Compare this to the interviews we’ve all seen before where the man has to make minimum 300k to support just her needs.

Why the hell was lance bass invited, that’s what I wanna know

It’s possible. Plot twist on that, my parents have been vegetarians for close to 30 years and have stayed away from seed oils for the past 20. As a family we latched on coconut oil for cooking from the very start, and olive oil for salads. Both my parents look great for their age. I think the stress in their work lives have added to whatever signs of aging they do show.

Nice set of new Grindr pics you got now! Looking good boss

We are voting for their governments and their policies. Joe Biden doesn’t need to be fit to debate. If the magats government gets deployed, we are literally fcked.

Judging the economy based on the real estate market is like judging the president based on the prices of gas.

Also No one can afford a home in any western country. This entire American dream of everyone owning a home with white picket fence is total propaganda bullshit.

Law enforcement. I’m writing on behalf of my partner who wouldn’t bother ever putting a reply but feel like it would be nice to see representation. The job is fairly new and suits him very well.

I’ll be 40 in October. 35-40 has been great. Luckily I look like I’m in my 30’s still but man i keep thinking how much harder my life would’ve been if I was single and still looking for a partner. The online dating scene is chaos and makes me sad for those who have to navigate that.

What makes me sad most, is how we may lose our country if we get a second term with the big orange and the entire project 2025. Watch the John Oliver episode from last week to get an idea of what’s to come. He puts it in a light humorous manner, but half of me wanted to cry and vomit at the same time. I’m a grown ass man, but it never felt more like 1930’s Germany than now and people all around are restless and upset with the economy, voting from their feelings and owning it to the libs. As a geriatric millennial, I’ve been through so much, I don’t know if I’ll ever see social and economic stability anymore.

Can you still see the engines ? I’ve been to the empty housing at the Sunday market, way less impressive empty. They should’ve kept a few, it would’ve drawn bigger crowds

It’s not working that well in Portland. There’s more nuance to drug laws.

I’m so tired of everyone bringing their entire closet from home in bags and leaving them around the machine. Don’t these gyms have lockers?