I saw something on instagram about buying a portable Photo Booth and renting it out for special events

From the picture of the cat being lifted, looks as if the cat may have some possible bengal or Savannah. The only way to really know is to purchase a cat DNA test

A mama cat gave birth in our community we took 2 of the sisters in my 3 year old orange was curious and sniffed, never growled or hissed,, my 11 year old would growl and distance himself. I’m glad we took both because they entertainceachvother. They’re now almostb10weeks and both my older boys groom and play with them. It does take a little time for them to adjust but it’ll happen.

My daughter’s nickname is monkey for a few different reasons. She once took poop out of her diaper and threw it at us, and then most recently stuck her whole hand down in her crack in a full poopy diaper and then stuck her fingers in her mouth 🥴🤢🙅🏼‍♀️… I couldn’t swoop her into the shower fast enough 🙃🤣

Thank you. It has helped a lot!

It happened to me too at various stages of my daughter’s infancy. It happens and you just have to pick him up and breathe. They cry from the shock of the fall, they’re okay, you’re okay. It happens. Don’t be too hard on yourself mama! You’re doing a great job! 💗

In my experience MDA makes me more sexual. MDMA makes me want to get up and dance, less touchy feely and not as empathetic. MDA has more visual effect, melt into the floor, everything feels so good (I love you drug). where MDMA makes you feel energized and social. The euphoria is still there but it’s not as strong as MDA.

Definitely looks plush 🥰 I’ll take my win for the west coast

We have 4. I thought 2 was great but 4 is super awesome. They each have their own little purrsonalities

Touché I have not. May I have a picture of said cat and belly?!

These are the 2 babies that a stray mama had on our back porch. We named the torbie girl Roxie and the calico girl Mary Jane


Nausea, the urge to poop. Honestly feel like that every single time. It’s like you’re anticipating something exciting but not sure when it’s going to happen so you’re just antsy.

My mom had me in her partying phase at 28. I had my daughter at 32, she’s 2 now. It’s been rough but thankfully we’ve had a lot of help especially with my husband and I both on the spectrum.

They’re 2 little heathens. Always running around the house up and down the hallway and up the couch.

Well, what a beautiful girl! I just adopted 2 sister kittens. Here is my torbie Roxie and her calico sister Mary Jane


He has a bunny shape on his belly!!

Two kittens are better than one. They’ll keep each other entertained. I have 2 sisters from the same litter. They love wrestling and chasing each other around. Super cute babies though! Let us know what you decide on.

We just rolled again since last year and THIS is the ultimate cave I’ve seen on here! Would love to experience that. Looks amazing!

I ate some ritz crackers just so I had something in my stomach. Husband didn’t eat anything and threw up so good to eat a little something beforehand.