When I was in Seoul I mentioned wanting to go to Japan to my very sweet and friendly interpreter. Her demeanor instantly changed and she said something to the effect of "We do not like Japanese here." It was reserved phrasing, but man did she change demeanor quickly. She's younger as well.

Anecdotal, but yeah... They're not fans.

Come on Tesla Autopilot... Now is your chance.

One of the greatest forms of acceptance you can hope to aspire to in capitalist society is being deemed financially beneficial to pander to.

Given the lightning fast scalp massage memory wiping technique Shampoo did on Akane, seems like her speed should be higher.

Also I still think Akane's strength should be higher.

Otherwise this looks great!

Akane is higher on power than Ranma. Ranma is about agility, not strength.

Shampoo and Kuno are also more about strength.

This plant brought to you by Georgia O'Keeffe...

Honey, this guy is pretty much made of red flags.

He's not safe to be around. He's using manipulation and making excuses for bad behavior. He's abusing having a position of power in your life to pressure you.

Pulling his junk out trying to make you touch it, even when you've made it clear you don't want to, is more than unwanted sexual advances, it's bordering on (possibly already) sexual assault.

The talk of consent not being able to be revoked is basically an admission that he'd feel justified to rape you if you ever did finally crack or say something that he'd take as consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. When it comes to sex, you need "enthusiastic, ongoing consent".

Please keep yourself safe.

I feel this. I'm 6'2 but my wife is 5'11. I wouldn't trade her for the world, though, and I'm happy that I get to make her feel small and cute.

While this is often true, some people are just genuinely shitty for no reason. I don't much like feeling sorry for them because it feels like I'm giving them an excuse for their behavior.

Lots of people are going through horrific things and don't treat others like garbage. They made a decision to be toxic and, to me, don't deserve sympathy for lashing out.

It's amazing how many of the modern problems in the country can be traced back to specifically the Reagan administration. Literally the most damaging US president in history.

Wow... He called exactly what we are experiencing today 228 years in advance.

HH is a missed opportunity

Heavenly Hooters

I suspect the pilot was using yaw to slow the aircraft. Basically, you turn the aircraft at an angle so the wind resistance of the fuselage scrubs off speed before contact. It was honestly really good flying.

Yeah, my wood trim around the shifter is cracked, but it still looks nice on the whole.

I'd love something elemental themed or even just like... Not a robe. Give me something like the Endwalker DNC gear or something.

I've got the tan interior, the wood feels really nice in there. It's a much warmer feeling than silver. That looks good on your car though.