I’m going to be hated for saying this! For Nagarjuna this is everyday BS, someone thinking they are entitled to touch him, hug him , jump on him when he is on his way to doing something else. For a fan this is a once in a life time experience who feels the actor owes these encounters to him cause he once purchased a ticket to his movie. People really need to grow the F up and respect one another’s space and privacy and stop giving in to emotions so easily. Movies need to be enjoyed for their cinematic experience and that excitement needs to be curbed once out. His body guards were doing their jobs, this man does not need to be hugged ever time he steps out. Would such bollocks be justified if this fan jumped on a female movie star? It’s obvious PR has no option but to do damage ctrl.

He is 9. This behaviour is way out of line. The parents need a harder slap than the lousy brat for encouraging this behaviour in the first place.

Tell both your gf’s family & your bf’s family about this. Show them the paternity test. They should decide the future of that child. Poor poor baby.

How else will you know they are doing charity. How else can they be tagged as philanthropists? Pray, do tell 🙏

Don’t be mean, they need to pay for the circus.

I wish they did something for children rather than enabling “ underprivileged “ families make more children they can’t feed! They always have shitty plans!

You have such a good heart. You wouldn’t sound sarcastic even if you tried 🫢

Do you think she her future has crazy amount of sex written in it, honestly? The guy can barely stand, forget making the soldier stand. Also I’m guessing he hasn’t seen soldier in a while.

What do you mean you were not sure what was happening? He is a comedian by day and a Harpik salesman by night. He was just giving a demo! You give me jealousy vibes cause the man has two jobs.

Do you think she is capable of marketing herself. She is so crass, imagine she has a team and comes off as crass. If she reads these comments she will try and adopt the sanskari approach, that’s all she knows! Her balance is outa balance

No way are you the arsehole here! Imagine a grown up man had done the same the consequences would have been worst. I think you should press sexual assault charges non the less given that you have a witness apart from your husband and have video evidence. Let that gutter rat and his lousy family learn!! Also he will be in the eyes of the law as a future predator & easier to catch for his future misdeeds!! What a lousy piece of shit child and fucktard family.

I’m sure this is Nita’s planning & idea. She can give a master class on how not to have any class.

Not rage but they keep giving that certain classless wannabe vibe.

Ya, a bit shameful no to be so senior and so hungry for attention at your own sons wedding.

Omg , spot on. Nit the tit seems so insecure. She is desperate for recognition and unhappy in her own shoes or what she was! Even her boys seem off and lousy mannered. As for Mukesh, he comes from wealth so being wealthy is not new to him, his wife though behaves sooooo much like new money.

Good on them if they are happy and handle their relationships like grown up adults.

I’d say, oh mistakes happen all the time . I’d like my seat back please and wait till they vacate.

Once a week wipes at Watson . You need to balance the bacteria in your pits. After a good scrub of the pits pls rub the wipes generously to both armpits do this for weeks till you see a difference. Also a lot of your armpit and sweat smell has to do with the food you eat. Go easy on sugars pls & drink plenty of water

You sound selfish. You felt hurt about your daughter telling you that she wants nothing to do with you after you had an affair. This is a normal reaction from a child. You on the other hand think her reentering your life is toomuch to handle. LOL not everything can happen at your pace and your time, it took her so long to heal from the trauma your lousy marriage and then your shitty affair caused her. You do your nonsense and expect her to take you back. What has she done to hurt you? Infact you are the one who has caused her a life’s worth or trauma and mistrust. Be grateful she is back now at least and has a bigger heart than you. You are the arsehole in relation to your child! I can’t believe you’re justifying cheating and trying to look like a saviour. I feel there must be somuch more to this narcissistic story that you ain’t telling cause your desperate to look like the good one.

Deepika can make a fashion statement wearing a bin bag. She is way too modelesque nothing looks bad on her.