I keep putting off getting my licence because biking is more convenient for everyday commuting. We have a car, but my husband takes the bus to work rather than driving because of cost, convenience and to avoid traffic (dedicated bus lane).

Also, half my colleagues owns a Tesla but many of them still chose to bike at least when the weather is nice.

We get lots of rain and it's cold. I wear a long raincoat with a hood that goes over my helmet, rain pants, rain boots if it's really heavy, and gloves.

I can change and shower at work, but getting wet and cold is miserable.

Noe av det kan forklares med at karakterkravet for å komme inn på universitetene er blitt høyere. Det var sikkert mange for 20 år siden som kunne fått litt høyere karakter om de la inn mer arbeid, men som ikke prioriterte det da de bare trengte 4.3 i snitt for studiet de ville inn på.

Someone I know gave birth on feb 29th twice, 4 years apart.

:flag-no: Norway

It's not something most of us even think about. We just don't care, it's about as interesting as shoe sizes.

As for atheist in religious countries talking about it, if everyone around you wore shoes 2 sizes smaller than yours and kept trying to force you to as well, then you'd talk about it more.

And it's happening. 4 states have no minimum age of marriage with parental consent. There are literally rapists legally married to their 12 year old victim, in the US in 2024

Takk, nå har jeg smaken av elgpels i kjeften

And they're probably working on making martial rape legal and will soon start talking about how the perfect bride is 12-14 years old.

En hjelm veier lite og tar 2 sekunder å ta på. Det er ikke snakk om rustning her.

My yard is almost as steep as this, but going towards the house. Still better than the first house we looked at where it went from the house directly into the river.

I'd want to organise a large group of people going there all at once, pick up shopping baskes and prepareto do a weeklyshopping. Create complete chaos. If they set their foot down and tell everyone to leave, then put the basket down and leave it.

I get an eye twitch every time I see an American write that EVs couldn't possibly work in winter. The very clear conclusion this past winter in Norway was that EVs do better than gas cars.

Eneste gangen jeg har falt var på vei ned en liten bakke hvor det gikk i maks 5km/t. Kjørte ned samme bakken hver dag i måneder uten problemer, men den dagen la det litt grus i bakken. Bakhjulet fløy ut til siden, sykkelen spant 180 grader og jeg ble slengt av. Glad jeg hadde hjelm selvom jeg ikke slo hodet. Fikk en skikkelig stygg flerre i hånden som begynner å bli bra nå et år etter. Hjelm er et must, og jeg sykler nå ikke uten hansker heller.

Eneste gangen jeg har droppa hjelmen var da jeg plutselig måtte hente 7 åringen som ikke hadde hjelm. Da fikk hun låne min og jeg syklet uten, men da var det også på flatmark i lav fart.

Voksne er stort sett mye flinkere å bruke hjelm enn tenåringer som ikke helt forstår risikoen. Veldig viktig å innprente viktigheten tidlig.

Enda mer uforståelig er da foreldre som ikke tar hjelm på barna. Har sett mye utrolig dårlig bilsikring også (tenk 1 og 2 åringer sittende sammen og totalt usikkra i passasjersetet) så blir sjeldent overasket lenger

Speeding up to pass me just as I've turned in towards the parking lot. Saves them literally 2 seconds

I've been knitting and sewing since I was like 15, but now I finally have a greenhouse and I love watching the animals in my back yard. Can't wait for the baby deer to be born


34 år, utvikler. Bachelor i informatikk. Bare jobbet ett år, startlønn var 550k, akkurat gått opp til 594k

The problem isn't that you need to work hard, it's that hard work isn't enough and often only rewarded with more work.

I'm in Norway, prices on everything has gone up here as well, but daycare is subsidised and from August it will be capped at $188/month, cheaper than it is now. After school care for 1-4th grade kids are slowly being made free or very cheap.

Baby was the result of rape, she doesn't know who. They'd only been together for about 6 months before the wedding, he was an old friend who made her feel safe and things moved too quickly. They're still together, but I guess they realised they should take things slowly and figure out their situation. She has some trauma to work through.

She really didn't know, tho it may in part be a trauma response. She's a bit overweight and baby was born a few weeks early.

I know someone else who was pregnant and knew, but was shocked at 19 weeks when she was told it was twins. She barely had a bump. Everyone was shocked when at 23 weeks they found out it was triplets.

Doing that makes it taste like water that's been sitting for weeks

Going on 16 years. 3 more and it'll be half our lives.

I've used one like this before and it still sat right on the rack so there was no room for bags. It's for a 4 year old, so not a baby, tho this seat has a higher limit than others I've seen that are max 18kg.

I'm leaning towards getting a longtail, being able to bring both of the kids and bags, but want to consider cheaper options.

We have kids and doing fine but we have cheap daycare. I have no idea how some people even survive when daycare is equivalent of half their income.