bold design going for the naked pinup. definitely not every parents (or jobs) cup of tea but i think it looks pretty fckin cool

nah ur husband sounds like an overreacting prick. why do so many fathers think they need to know every single sexual thing their daughters do? nta

it doesnt look like the snap logo at all lol theyre just saying that bc its a little ghost. looks great and you should keep it the way it is :)

looks a lot like my late girl, Princess. we called her a yorkie rat cuz we had no idea what the other breed that was mixed in was 😭 i definitely see the chi though !

i wish the world had more people like you. you just helped out your sister and possibly other kids. great work fr

poopoos lol. started as a joke because when he was a kitten he didnt really know how to clean himself, so he would smell like poopoo until we cleaned him

i need to know whats going on in that cute noggin of hers

oh this sounds bad. and it sounds like its gonna be hell for your daughter... you're NTA,, but for your sake and your childrens sake, i think you should rethink your future with this man as he is. i think you should still throw the party, and if he reacts like a child then let everyone see him for who he is. a misogynistic asshole who cant even put his own brainless opinions aside to be happy that he's having a fucking child.

my oldest cat LOVES adhesive and tough plastic bags. she will sit and lick my tape dispenser or chip bags for so long. the younger one is a fiend for glass bottle caps and rubber bands. although he is NOT allowed to play with the latter bc he eats them

very few posts on this sub make me burst out laughing instead of feeling bad but this one is just too funny

if you dont want the kid abort it. but i gotta say the wifes reaction is not normal, but i also dont rly know what her mental state is at considering shes been trying for a baby and then suddenly her husband pops up saying 'oh actually i got my best friend pregnant'💀💀💀 like that is crazy. all of you are assholes and weird

imagine what he doesnt even tell people :( you are not overreacting you are a good and caring person ...

youve got this ♥️ what i like to do is put on music or a podcast/video and just start by picking up trash, dirty dishes, and whatever else shouldn't be in my room. sometimes its so spread out i just keep the trash-bag with me and start in one corner of the room and go from there. laundry is usually what takes longest for me bc of separating clean and dirty clothes- and then the folding. the rest is pretty much organization and a LOT of patience (for your room and yourself♥️). it might take a couple of days or a full day of doing nothing but cleaning, but that fresh feeling after youre done and laying on clean sheets and everything is orderly is unmatched. no mess is ever too big to clean. i hope you feel better !!

if asking for consent is a turn off for him then uhhh rapey might describe him correctly ! and the IUD shit ?????,,, i hope the alarms are going off in your head. if its a trauma bond + children keeping u in this then find professional help and do what you can to leave. this is not good for you and will be an awful environment for your children. you cannot allow your trauma to stop you AND your kids from living a good life.

i say best of both options. abortion AND leaving him. they way he gave you the ultimatum sounds like a teenager throwing a tantrum lol. the fact that hes sm older and 'calls the shots' in the relationship doesnt shock me, its pretty common in large age gap relationships for the younger one to be basically groomed into seeing the other as greater or smarter. and the whole saying he'll get a vasectomy and then just,,, never did?? until the consequences came to bite him in the ass??? for being in his 40s he sure sounds like the average frat boy in his 20s.

LMFAOOO starving and paralyzed mentally but well off enough to spend money on leggings and type up a womp womp ass paragraph 💀💀

1.) paying for porn-what a loser coomer lol. 2.) paying for porn and some of it is women he knew ?! girl if u dont shit on his doorstep before you leave ,,,