Sure, you got anymore like that?

All you boys keep your hands off these balls, and I don't want her name in any of your filthy mouths! Ifn you know what's good for ya! I'm in love!

Well that ball, with that impressive sack of stats that it's got with it, is hollering my name! What a beautiful ball! Excuse me! I have too rub one out!.... 30 seconds later I have returned with my open wallet, a dozen roses, and a shit-eating grin on my face! Did she ask about me?

I wish you a good life and all, but the libs didn't put you all in this here barrel! You all did that yourself! So, I just nailed the lid on after letting the barrel soak all day in kerosene. Now, as I light it, me and all my progressive friends are here to say goodbye to you pushy, shit for brains mother fuckers! Adios BiTcHs!

Ever since the burn down in 79' they been trying to recoup!

Now that's a defense you don't run across everyday! The old suburban housing tract D'. It never worked then and I'm sure it doesn't work now!πŸ€“πŸ‘Œ

You're one of those pawn guys I love so much? I just know you are! I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here!

They will tell you there all fake and then offer you a couple of dollars to take them off your hands. They are the nicest folks in the world! Trust em! I do! Look at this barrel I'm wearing! πŸ™„ Sharp, huh! They had it fitted for me special, I love those guys!😍

Man im glad I only have to worry about an upgrade but every two years or so, I do remember it was more fun than some of you make it out to be! I feel for ya, wouldn't want to be ya!

I love listening to all these groan men BiTcHing and moaning. about a friendly game of cartoon finger golf! It's fascinating!

Why would anybody want to live in the Vincent Van Gohe painting "Sunflower?" Also, if something went wrong while you were crushing your body to fit in Vinne's masterpiece, I'm not sure the son of a bitch could hear ya!

And all of us stuck in this mans head writing ridiculous stories for this sods ego, really appriecate your up votes, for we are legion!

Clash of Clowns ready!πŸ’‰πŸ’ŠπŸš¬

I got down voted down for telling the truth! The shame of it all! Lol!

Shrooms, you just never know what will come out.πŸ˜‘βœŒ

Promise em free nude woman sex and all the beer they can throw-up! You won't have em long but it works everytime!

Start drinking for 6 hours and you'll sea, you will hauk one up! Sea what I did there Hawkeye? Yuk yuk! I should have lived my first life better.πŸ˜‘

It's so phony it tried out for the lead in the Broadway "Big Money " where they cast him as "Bad Wompom" but when the director saw him act he had security cast him out the stage door and into a fountain where he Reale drowned! Tragic!πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘

Thanks, I figure it must be common, I did it, lol!

It looks like tin or steel. Is it magnetic or can you bend it a little!

What happened to the Rare and Super-Dupers? You just chain em up and throw them into one of the lakes? OK , which lakes? No, did you ever try using them or did the instructor who taught you this way of thinking also find a way to have you give them to him? Lol! Its ok, just start drinking!

I'm in the boat you profess, it floats higher in the water just don't take food out of anybody's mouth and what's to feel bad about, that you made some retired programmers pocket change? Enjoy the game at the level you can afford as they say way too much, you only live once! Except of course, unless your a MAGA and don't know you're already dead! Sorry, I couldn't resist throwing that dig out there!

Same ball as Sea Hawk ball a month ago that I ended up with 40 of those no side spin MFers! Only you can prevent Drinking and Finger Golf