Perhaps it would be more nuanced to say that he didn’t know the bride would approve, no matter what he thought of the grooms reaction.

Even if he thought you’d be happy, he had to know your wife would not be.

We ran a fish and chips restaurant. The fry vats were gas powered but had electric controls except for one vat, which could be run without power. So when the power went out, we were the only restaurant on the block that could cook food, albeit at a slow pace since we only had 1 of 4 vats going. The cash register could not be used but it was a cash business so we just did it all by hand. We could open the register by sticking in a wire through a hole in the back.

Admittedly it did get a bit stuffy since we had no ventilation with the power off, but it was ok with only one vat going.

-Classic story for the F-15 Eagle.

-MIG-25 comes along and sets records for airspeed and climb rate.

-Massive wings suggest that it could be highly maneuverable as well and thus be a superior fighter.

-US goes on to develop the Eagle which, in a stripped down form, breaks the MIGs records.

-Then a MIG-25 pilot defects and lands in Japan. Plane is returned to USSR but not before it is thoroughly examined. Turns out that the huge wings are needed because the aircraft is far heavier than they thought. It was a decent interceptor, but without the maneuverability to be a good fighter.

-F-15 goes on to set the best win/loss rate in fighter history.

I wonder if it counts if you get so badly scarred and disfigured that no one will sleep with you and you get taken out of the gene pool that way….

According to the article 37 states were offered the program, 27 republican and 10 democrat participating in the program. All dems accepted as did 14 republicans. In Nebraska, the governor was going to opt out but a group of schoolchildren convinced him to buy in. The charitable interpretation is that republicans are against the program on principle but when faced with real people and real consequences, they can change.

I like Kamala but good burn.

In a healthy democracy you can criticize your leaders.

My 16y.o. niece wore a full on bridal dress to our reception BUT we had a costume reception. She and her dad came as “wedding cake toppers”. This was fine.

My understanding is that an airbrush is required. That said, it’s worth trying out on a test piece.

You are married in common law already so making it official should be easy. I don’t know your BF so I can only guess his reasons for delay:

1) unsure of the relationship

2) fear of commitment

3) wanting everything to be “perfect” and is consequently paralyzed that it won’t be good enough.

Chipping fluid. I just use the cheapest hairspray I can find. But the chipping fluid method typically requires an airbrush. If you don’t have one, learn sponge chipping instead.

You might try experimenting with weathering using oil paints, they can be inexpensive; I get mine from the dollar store and the thinner from a hardware store.

Check the ingredients. If it contains solvents like acetone, it will melt plastic.

The contact info is on the back of the instructions albeit in Japanese. Here is a translation


Note that there is a price list for each sprue.

I’m not suggesting the baby be left with rage sitter, I’m saying the sitter watches the baby while the wife rests at home or recuperates. Basically, the sitter would be doing the same thing he would be doing if he stayed home.

Each of my kids were delivered via c-section. For the first month of their lives, I took full care of them while my wife was on bed rest. All she did was breast feed and if she had pumped, I could have fed them too but we wanted the skin contact to promote bonding.

He offered to get a sitter so she could go too. Get the sitter anyway to watch the baby while wife rests, or has me time.

Honestly, I don't see too many pictures of vehicles with shell damage; mostly it's damage from running into trees or walls. The exception is heavily armored vehicles like the Tiger or KV-1 during the early war which have a lot of non penetrating hits.

For most vehicles, one hit is often the end.

I don't do aircraft, but one technique that looked quite good was a guy who removed entire panels of the plane and replaced them with aluminum foil, then pierced that.

The important thing is that you like it and that you feel you’ve made progress from one model to the next.

As for suggestions, I prefer lighter colors to simulate dust instead of dark colors like you’ve used here which, I presume, simulate grease/oil stains and soot. I use darker colors in specific locations, such as pin washes to simulate shadows or fuel stains near gas caps but most flat areas, especially higher up, get a light coating of dust.

Monochromatic paint schemes, like most US or Russian armor can benefit from dot filters. You do a dot filter by dabbing spots of oil paint all over the model, then wipe it nearly entirely off with a thinner moistened brush. A very thin layer of the transparent oil paint is left behind and if you use vertical brush strokes, it looks like rain marks. Because you use random dots of color, you get subtle variations in tone across the vehicle which breaks up the monochromatic look.

Instead of staring at the obstacle, look for the path around the obstacle!

There may be an element of Target Fixation here. There used to be a TV show here called Canada’s Worst Driver and every season they would demonstrate that this was a major issue with bad drivers. The idea is that you tend to go where you look so if you stare at an obstacle, you are more likely to hit that obstacle.