If you have way too many rats and mice, you will end up with too many cats...

Joffrey. He's not evil, he's a cruel, immature and stupid brat. Evil has a plan, Joffrey had none.

...but how is this the problem of anyone else than of those two?

I'd day : dead is too old. Or too late.

But alive and consenting? There's no such thing as "too old" and whoever thinks they know better than the two protagonists is unworthy to speak.

Answers go from vwry well to very badly, depending on how well it is written/executed.

A demo trip of 10-15 minutes is definitely long enough to let you turn it off without any damage. Lots of cars will do 10-15 minute rides all their life and be happy with it.

And throttle before it's well warmed up is no issue unless you really go high up in the rpm, which most people doing a demo trip won't do.

Oh and you blame the boomers for it. Well that's good news for you, then, because boomers are more or less all retired, now, meaning younger generations are in charge and they will make the right decisions to fix everything within 2 or 3 decades. A little patience and your life and everyone's life will be perfect.

TIL that young people who want the latest iPhone even though the previous one still works, are called 'Boomers'.

If it's true that Columbus discovered American natives, then it must be true that some Native discovered Columbus.

I usually advocate for using one's brain. "My country is the best" is an unfinished sentence and should be treated as such, so I'd invite the person saying this to finish their sentence.

"the best... in what?"

Then if they specify we can start debating, otherwise it's just worth a concerned look + a shrug.

I'm Swiss and we aren't the best either.

No country is "the best".


The one and only continent where no country has a king or queen as its head of state is South America.

Depends where you are. Here lots of dealershps buy demo cars and sell them after a year. That's about the best deals you can get if you want something new-ish.

Not long ago i thought that at 20, i should have tattooed a 10x10cm square on the belly.

My belief is "we need a right wing policy so we can afford a left wing one".

We need strong economy and good social structures. AND. Not OR.

Mangaslightsplaining. The ultimate sin.