On the flip side, Labour has 400ish MPs now for 5 years. So, like, big fkn deal.

Bit of an impossible standard though isn't it? What would be your benchmarks for amazing services? And if you could get the amazing services with the current tax burden why would there be a need to increase it? 

Goes along with the usual catch cry of unimaginative new governments wanting to save money. "Oh we won't actually cut anything we're just eliminating waste (as yet undefined)"

That sounds like you're already in WSL. Wsl is a windows command. If it's telling you to install via sudo apt install you're typing it into Linux.

Auto is better, less clutch riding and more convenient behaviour with less to focus on. Torque converter > clutch for building power up to get over obstacles or out of ruts.

The one major issue I have with the first movie is leaving all this out of Yueh's character motivations. I don't think his one 'they took my wife' excuse was powerful enough. His character needed the extra fleshing out.

Bendy Bananas

In two-party preferred, it's 57% vs 43%. "Landslide", right?

Yeah... unfortunately in 2PP 57-43 is a wipeout. You'd want the tide to turn back significantly by the election.

:commonwealth: Commonwealth

Sky News commentary points out that Sinn Fein's campaigning is very local and doesn't push for Irish unity as its primary goal in the way that the SNP does for Scottish independence, and the DUP are being punished for their shitty behaviour in recent Northern Irish Assembly politics.

:commonwealth: Commonwealth

They sure were, at least back in 2014 during the last referendum. Rabidly so.

Bendy Bananas

But this article has nothing to do with that.

When did it become so hated on reddit to own anything besides a 2nd hand city car from 2008.

Sir this is /r/AusFinance

But also, calm down mate, I'm a Ranger driver and when I see entire threads of people arcing up about us because the big word RANGER on the back is the only name of any car they know, I just chuckle and enjoy the slagging.

Not worth getting worked up over. They hate us cause they ain't us.

They can't go to Australia if they don't have any money to relocate *taps forehead

How many X3D chips have you tried?

If it's a problem with the memory controller clock on the 5800X3D then you should just get it replaced (however that works in your jurisdiction). 3600 should be easy peasy on the 5800X3D. Maybe even 4000 if you're lucky.

When did they actually buy that and for how much? If they've owned it for 10 years there's no way their costs are anywhere near that weekly income.

"loosing [sic] money every week so that somebody can have a roof over their head."

You absolutely know that's not their motivation. Not in the slightest. They're investing in an asset that they expect some level in growth in over a period and will generate some level of income. If they've borrowed from a lender to do that then they've factored that cost into the overall return.

Bendy Bananas

Oh so this isn't really a thing this is just people who were already here for a long time suddenly being able to get citizenship and the council can't figure out how to run an event for more than like 12 people at a time.

Seems worded in a way to rile up people about immigration though.

Bendy Bananas

Yeah if anything the 'customer feedback' would probably be heavily in favour of expanding the holding experience.

I remember seeing the line of people who were doing the 'touch, don't hold' picture one and half of them were confused thinking they'd booked the holding one not realising that it was completely booked out so not showing up and the 'other' option was called 'Koala contact' or whatever.

I suppose I'm in support of the move but reading the statement made me raise an eyebrow because it doesn't pass the sniff test for me. Like I'm pretty sure if it was from customer feedback it would've been a very vocal minority.

I've just had an idea. They should bring Brian back, but not recast and not do any CGI stuff, just say he's in the other room working on something, "oh you just missed him", have purely external shots of his car during action scenes with everyone complimenting his contribution with no response... wise-crack lines like 'man, can't shut that guy up!' that sort of thing.

  • Dom's kid is named in memory of his friend who is very much still alive

  • Dom's very-much-still-alive friend can't help with emergencies but his wife, Dom's sister, now has to regularly

  • Dom's very-much-still-alive friend, in contrast to all his dead ones, is never coming back

Most buyers won’t buy unless that condition is included. It’s buying a pig in a poke.

In a normal market. Right now basically the only way to win the Dutch auction is to leave it out.

Bendy Bananas

Pho Hien Vuong Pasteur at Market Square Sunnybank. 

Undoubtedly a Viet shop that wasn't flashy but just absolutely nailed their dishes. Big servings, amazingly balanced flavour, excellent value. Drove across town on the reg just to go there.

Owner got sick I think and they shut up shop last year. There's been a Pho Hien Vuong Pasteur shaped hole in my heart ever since.

Plenty of other good places... They're just not the same is all.

I fuckin love this piece of shit though, even though I hate it.

Bendy Bananas

There's clearly an institutional issue with the odd lazy POS and I think maybe there's a significant misalignment between what they're told their job is and what we THINK their job is.

Yeah I'm a big fast food fan so when I say:

"Don't fucking bother with KFC anymore."

it's not because I'm one of those anti-fast food hipsters, it's because they're completely taking the piss with their value proposition now. It's just not worth it anymore.

It was a 5700 XT and it was brand new to a year old.

No point quizzing me I already went through the gauntlet of being given every possible fix down to being told to get a better mains power line to my house lol.

Edit: Oh yeah and subsequently I bought a 3070 Ti, maybe the only card I've regretted buying nearly as much. At least it isn't unstable.