:Comp: Completionist

10/10 Still wouldn’t touch DG

:Comp: Completionist

To be fair 15 minutes of cleansing crystals is like 825k gp If you can’t afford that you’re doing something wrong

I mean realistically if you did averages across 50 days with it constantly trending downwards from 12hrs because you are getting levels you’d likely be closer to 20/day than 3.6/day

Omniphau the god gives your afk time in either refinery, printer, cooking, breeding, gaming or sailing progress. With Doot that’s 264 hours per day of progress you can potentially roll into refinery levels so at 12hrs a level and perfect luck you can print upto 21 million red salt per day(would be 22m but you need to be on an account to claim the salt to begin with)

Isn’t red salt relatively ‘free’ with Doot?

I recall months ago whales who day 1’d Doot were at like 12 hrs a level so Omni was getting them 20 levels a day making it around a month and a half to max it

For your first few resets after unlocking red I’d say as few points as possible in everything else dump all in red and get black to 5-6, although your shiny luck is already very underlevelled

Don’t go with 10 points in each until you’re getting like 100 points a reset imo, the things that will push you to each next mega-reset is shiny fish multi

It’s been talked about it’s just that at this point it’s 3? Years into the story and creators haven’t managed to either slip the N word in, have a studio member die from stress, fire the artist and hire openart or bully staff into miscarriages

It’s just generic with plot holes as large as its labyrinth and kinda chugging along on enough views to keep it running

Pretty sure it’s 1.5 and just doesn’t show decimal

:Comp: Completionist

Avg cost is like 100 times more than the entire economy

Pretty common tbh

Iirc it’s typical nerd loser moves in with family bc ‘plot’ then gets fit and everyone falls for him

:Comp: Completionist

Imagine not just completing the dragonkin 5 collection 12,000+ times to skip training DG entirely

:Comp: Completionist

Prayer is a click once every 15 minutes skill if you have prif elite diary done, but you gotta save up cleansing crystals cos shop stock is only 30

:Comp: Completionist

That would both lose time and money. altars are always worse than powder of burials, and spamming hot-keyed bones lets you multi-bury anyway so the 50% becomes even more pronounced

It would need to stack with brawlers and only use a single charge per inventory to even try and be competitive

:Comp: Completionist

Use mage with tank armour and animate dead tbh. Either don’t walk or freedom after their first attack, it’s the slaughter ability and does massive damage if you move

:Comp: Completionist

You clearly haven’t actually looked into Mysterious because the community is so certain it’s solved that ex-mod Moltaire when asked basically said ‘without saying yes or no because there is framework to change it it was never actually changed’

:Comp: Completionist

Considering how terrible the last Halloween permanant quest is miss that

:Comp: Completionist

Ratcatchers: doing that hell again on FSW was a painful reminder Broken home: it’d be forgettable if not for the challenges which make it hell The entire Penguin questline: all of those quests suck balls, walking sims with forced cutscenes and bad puzzles

Cyborg is written as 6’6 but to be fair he is supposed to be a highschool basketball star before the incident so he would be at least that tall

KiraClean tryna drop the S+ with that secret count

If you full focus it as soon as you get to a point you can get shiny feathers you wait like 10 mins before resetting(usually around 50-70 shiny feathers), it speeds up mega resets by a huge amount

Past like mega feather 3 or 5 each successive mega feather is like an hour at worst

:Comp: Completionist

Update it by lowering the poly count