
George Halas, the extremely racist franchise owner who drafted Walter Payton with the #4 pick in the 1975 draft from an HBCU college? 🙄

In any reality, Drafting Deshaun, (although a POS) woulda been WAY BETTER for the franchise! Look what that trade did for the Texans. Picking Mitch was a ridiculously asinine pick!

Also & obviously, flair up bitch.

So many unflaired bitches in this post.

Flair the fuck up or don’t comment at all!

It’s a solid PSA 7 or better IMO. It has a die cut so it’s definitely a US 1985. Pretty nice card.

Caleb to Rome - TOUCHDOWN BEARS!

Me too man. I’ll never forget the day he passed either. I was a high school senior back then and wanted to skip school the next day. I believe it was a Tuesday. I felt crushed, never felt that way still to this day over someone I’d never meet passing away.

Our high school football team made the playoffs and my Mom asked me; “do you think that’s how he’d want you to honor his memory”? She was right. Long story short I went to school the next day and went 💯in practice that evening for #34!

Caleb to Rome - TOUCHDOWN BEARS!

He’s the reason why I became a Bears fan. He was the complete package all wrapped up in one remarkably outstanding individual.

My first borns middle name is Payton with an “A”.

He was and still is my hero, RIP Sweetness!


Hate it SO MUCH! Instant mute or channel change 💯!

-What d'ya got here? What's in the box?

-No, that's just a... It’s a cock ring. It's a cock ring just from all my lovers...

-Oh. It's kinda small, huh?

-Well, it's my Dad’s, sooo…

Caleb to Rome - TOUCHDOWN BEARS!

Bear Claw Up,

Bear Down!

These are great! We need one with a Sprinkler man!


My Grandma was raised by an abusive alcoholic who didn’t support his family. She raised me from 5/18yo. She’d tell me stories of how her and her siblings struggled to survive.

She used to start germinating vegetable seeds in late March/early April then work like a dog in May planting literally hundreds of all different types of vegetable plants in rows.

It was hard work but I loved spending time with her and chatting about life.

Even after canning, the end result of all that hard work was we had more vegetables than we knew what to do with. She’d give away well over half to people struggling in the community, soup kitchens, etc.

After several years of helping her “kid me” asked; “Grandma why do you grow so many vegetables”. I’ll never forget her answer, she said;

“You’ll never regret growing to much, but you’ll always regret growing to little. Feeling hungry hurts. Helping the under privileged IS. A. privilege kid, remember that…”

I 43yM still to this day volunteer because of her.

She was a Saint!

Side Note; Definitely NTA.


Your Dad sounds like a selfless awesome guy!

Since Kevin Hart has already been mentioned I’ll nominate the Flex Seal asshole.

Season 5, Episode 10; The D.E.N.N.I.S. System

I’ve always found Dennis hilarious! This episode truly captures the manipulative sociopath he truly is. I’ve probably watched it 50 times! 😂

It absorbed better. Arginine is supposed to convert to Citrulline in your body. As I understand in this conversion some gets lost making Citrulline the better supplement.


I’d ditch L-arginine for L-citrulline. I’d suggest 1000mg Nutricost L-citrulline, 30mg Swanson Zinc, 1200mg Legendary Milk Sunflower Lecithin, and a generic “age suiting” Multi Vitamin. Also add in 2mg Swanson Copper supplement to help with Zinc absorption.

Caleb to Rome - TOUCHDOWN BEARS!

It’s perfect in every way!


I've contained my rage for as long as poissible, but I shall unleashe my fury upon you like the crushing of a thousand waves! Be gone, vile man!, Be gone from me! A starter car?!?! This car is a finisher car!

I'm gonna want the milk steak, boiled over hard, and a side of your finest jelly beans, raw.

Very well said! I’m straight as they come and completely relate to your comment. I was raised in a religious conservative family and never understood why they even cared about some random strangers sexuality. It has no baring on your life so why do you care? As I’ve grown older I’ve noticed some of these same people becoming more socially liberal, which is good.

I also got very emotional the first time I saw the dance scene. It’s very symbolic and beautiful. At the end I remember asking my wife how many hours do you think Rob put into the choreography for that scene?!?! I remember her responding I have no idea but he fucking nailed it!😆


I see a “fit/toned woman” as Pinnacle Hot AF!

If that’s “gay” then consider me Freddie Mercury! 😎