Do you mean to wring it out? I've been doing that and it works for me. Like a gogurt tube.

Grades and sleep for me

Can relate. Eventually caffeine doesn't fix the problem anymore

Scales at hospitals are most likely calibrated with respect to NIST traceable standards, plus most of them have significantly better accuracy and resolution(I think an extra digit). Your home scale is calibrated once at the factory and never verified again. From what you are saying, it seems that your scale might be reading a bit lower than actual weight.

This might be a bit out there, but if you search up the make and model of your scale vs the model at the hospital, the hospitals will probably have better accuracy if you look in the spec sheets.

Also, (-5)5 is still a negative number.

Plants grow at a larger scale than could ever be achieved by human effort.

Question. If the US auto industry is threatened by a foreign industry that has to ship these products thousands of miles overseas, shouldn't they be wondering how they can do better rather than just essentially banning competition? I thought that is what the free market was about. Especially when the offered product is significantly better than anything you see on the US market.

What energy are you consuming to pull it from the air with, how are you filtering it out without creating more waste, and how will it be stored permanently? Is storing it permanently a reliable thing, or does it use even more energy? Are there any meaningful products you can create with said carbon that can help this activity turn a profit to help it expand?

Some general questions that should help answer that nicely.

And people wonder why vehicles are so expensive in the US. Companies who try to keep prices down are just taxed through the roof anyway.

Is the next one Jerry? Also, do you have a pattern or just name them as you feel in the moment?

I see. I am surprised, what is the drive for people to become engineers if they don't get compensated for the extra time and effort going into education?

Is there a reason for this? Or just the market?

I think I am understanding what threw me off with your statement. The "peak net oil" EROI does not actually refer to the oil remaining after energy used to extract it. It refers to the total energy gain. For example, you consume 100 barrels of oil in a day to power mining equipment, but your return on that oil investment is another 500 gallons. The EROI would be 4 in that sense, with a net oil gain of 400 barrels. The net gain number is predicted to drop, since it will take more fuel to access oil in more difficult locations, and the EROI will drop at the same time because they measure similar things. So the net oil produced is expected to peak in the next couple years, but it will drop in the future as it becomes my ore difficult to obtain.

I'm pretty sure that is what you were trying to say, but the way it was worded I interpreted it incorrectly. You taught me something new today, thank you!

However, if oil does have significantly reduced return on energy investment, it will become a less attractive option for power. Hopefully that will encourage the transition to more renewable sources of energy.

I did specify I do not know if it will run out in that timeframe. However, a declining EROI does not necessarily indicate that the oil supply is running out. Rather, it means that it is requiring more energy to extract the same amount of oil.

From this, one can deduce that the oil supply is becoming more difficult to collect in places where it once was easy to access, but it does not say that the oil supply is running out. As nice as it would be, there is not conclusive evidence that the oil supply is running out, even though the EROI is predicted to begin decreasing in the next couple years.

Yes, nuclear energy would significantly help the energy transition. The problem with it is that it is extremely expensive, take a long time to approve projects, takes a long time to build, and it is an overall complicated process. The radioactive material could be handled and would not be a massive problem. Short answer: It would just take to long to implement and scale up.

I don't know if fossil fuels will run out in that timeframe. There has been no indication of that from what I have heard, but the amount of damage they can cause within one more life time will be irreversible and devastating.

The only thing we can do is continue to voice our opinion, vote, and make whatever changes we can ourselves while encouraging others to do the same.

You literally just made anyone who plays Aphelios in league of legends the happiest people alive.

I have a friend who struggles with similar problems. I gave them the following advice:

If you are a person who tends to talk a lot, that is OK! There is a multitude of reasons people like to talk, and rarely is it a bad thing. If you feel you are dominating a conversation where another person is trying to talk, that is where it tends to become more of an encumbrance. In those situations, try listening to a short part at a time and repeat what they say back to make sure you understand. From what I have seen, rephrasing tends to help people understand and it helps satisfy the impulse to talk while not hindering the conversation. It also is a very solid listening strategy. Don't try to change your personality just because other people don't like it, but try to understand there are some situations where you may have to avoid saying certain things and that you show respect to the appropriate people.