Bij ons lokaal is er een straat waarvan je weer dat de stoplichten precies op tijd op groen springen. Dus dan rem je af en precies op het laatst moment groen en kun je weer optrekken.

Super overzichtelijk ook. Veel mensen rijden hier gewoon door rood.

Imho Norris was definitely at fault at the second impact although that didnt really matter because Max is the cause of the situation. Norris straight up drove into Max though, probably in an effort to lose as little time as possible.

The consequence is already taken into consideration though.


Yall really out here comparing Max to Magnussen and Ocon lmao.

Today wasnt as bad as everyone here made it out to be.

Ik snap helemaal wat je bedoeld maar dat was niet helemaal mijn punt. Als je zelf twijfelt kun je afkijken bij anderen. Zo leren we van elkaar en dat is prima.

Ik ook niet, maar het is wel een graadmeter. Als jij als enige je kind alleen naar de kermis stuurt kun je daar je eigen conclusies uit trekken.

Als de enige kinderen die wel alleen mogen, de kinderen/ouders zijn waaraan je je kind/zelf niet aan wil spiegelen idem ditto.

This is racing though and this was too much but nothing extreme.

We want to watch racing instead of handovers of position. It gave us great racing and the different result we all wanted.

Lmao my daughter, 2yo, just randomly through the day shouts "say ovhoeeee", "step this way" and "they not like us, they not like us".

Its an absolute hit everywhere you go. Cars drive by blasting NLU continuously.

Note: im Dutch so my daughter has no idea what she's singing.

Wij zijn ook redelijk beschermend. Met name ook omdat onze zoon PDDNOS heeft en niet het meeste populaire kind is.

Waar we zelf altijd goed naar keken was wat andere kinderen van die leeftijd deden en dan vooral ook de kinderen waar hij mee wil gaan. Zijn dat de tokkies van de klas, dan is het antwoord nee. Zijn dat gemiddelde kinderen, dan ja.

11 kan wat aan de jonge kant zijn maar het verschilt ook zeker per kind, afstand, omgeving etc.

Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)

Its a lot more impressive when you consider their music. Kendrick does not make party music or music meant to have this kind of reach, yet he still does. Drake does.

Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)

I hate that sentence "its still your mom/dad/family" yeah and how about "its still your child".

If they didnt act like a parent, they don't deserve the perks.

Youre really superior huh?

What a sad "dad", cant even call yourself that with that kind of behavior.

As a dad theres nothing id rather see then my children winning against me. I adjust my skill level to them.

Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)

So you didnt even know yet you opened your mouth?

You talking to a mirror or something?

Drake aint shit no matter how hard you try to make us believe otherwise. We got clips and clips full of proof that he's a lame dude . All you got is your word.

If anything Drake is getting extorted. Drake aint got no ties and is a little bitch.

I get that.

We have had a difficult relation with our oldest. But we always made it very clear that no matter the choices they make in life or how they turn out to bex whatever. Its fine. We love you, you can tell us anything and that love is unconditional.

When he came out as gay, at 14, to us that was such a beautiful moment where we felt we did something right.

Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)

The song also helped a lot of people in similar situations to get up and get out of it or just vent about it.

Its an important song in his catalog.

Music To Be Murdered By - Side B (Deluxe Edition)

And more importantly: nobody who has witnessed it.

Edit: i remembered something. Kim was at the Up in Smoke Tour. Eminem played the Kim intro there and that leads into Kill You.

She might have left at that point and seen what happened? Either way, Kim was not performed live.

Jeetje ik ben denk ik blind. Ik las dat je niemand kende met een opgevoerde scooter.