Just to add to this - the cosleeping sub is full of folks who endorse and admit to not co-sleeping safely or in the recommended way.

I did this today. I got coffee and went to Costco. 1.5 hours of only being responsible for myself. How soon we forget

Did you figure out what it was? I’m worried about this as well and I have a fast let down

I’m interested in joining! Could you send another link?

Much better! 5 weeks postpartum and I’d say almost back to normal.

I know this is a super old post but I think you may have just solved my conundrum. My 4 week old baby is wide awake for hours in the morning and I couldn’t figure out why he was fighting sleep. I started drinking coffee because my husband went back to work and I’m exhausted. Time to go back to decaf 😭

A graduation message to FTM’sAdvice

Hello there!

I graduated from pregnant to first time mommy on 5/10. My son is perfect and I didn’t know it was possible to love something this much.

I wanted to come on here and give you guys a heads up and some advice so you can learn from my mistakes postpartum.

I had a voluntary induced vaginal birth at 40+1. I labored for about 24 hours and pushed for less than an hour before baby was in my arms.

I had a second degree tear and a small hemorrhoid following birth.

When I got home (because this is who I am) I started going up and down the stairs, trying to get the house in order, rocking the baby, sitting on the couch and unloading groceries I had delivered.

By day two of being home I was in agony. My vagina hurt so bad and I couldn’t sit on the toilet, the couch, I could hardly walk and trying to get out of bed had me crying out in pain. I would go to the bathroom and pee all over the floor before sitting on the toilet because I had no control over my bladder. When I called the OB they asked me to come in to be checked out. They told me I looked good but were worried about how tender I was. I was in tears, I couldn’t even hold my son upright because the pain was so bad.

My own mama told me I needed to focus on my pelvic floor. All my organs had shifted and were sitting on top of my pelvis now. She told me to be horizontal as much as I possibly could, no matter how hard it might be. I’m now on day 4 of being mostly horizontal - my husband blew up an air mattress in the living room where I hang out with baby most of the day and I’m now able to walk around, use the bathroom, stand and sit for short periods without any pain.

When I searched Reddit for answers of what could be wrong and how to fix it, I saw stories of women who had pain for 6 weeks before feeling any relief.

I’m here to tell you to listen to my mother lol. You just went through a serious medical event and your body needs time to heal. Don’t push too hard and make sure to not put too much pressure on your pelvis. It gets better, and if you’re a busy body like me.. remind yourself that you’ll never get this time back with your little one and the house can wait.

Thanks for reading and good luck ❤️ it’ll all be worth it when they’re in your arms.

Feet and legs tinglingQuestion

Hey there,

39 weeks today and my feet and legs tingle if I’m standing up too long or barefoot on a hard surface. They’re also super swollen and my ankles don’t exist anymore. I know feet swelling is normal but wondering if anyone else experienced the tingling and swelling up into the legs.

I had my baby shower a month ago, there were 65 people in attendance and my mother insisted we open gifts. If I could go back, I wouldn’t do it. It felt very rushed which made my husband and I feel like we didn’t take enough time to read the cards fully and thank each person.

Be prepared! It’s been a month and I’m still not done with the thank you notes even though I’m due next week.

She has been so inspirational in my practice. This is heartbreaking to hear

Thank you so much, this is super helpful information. I am not obese and I am not planning on doing an unmediated birth. I really appreciate you taking the time to write it out!

Requesting reassurance pleaseAdvice

37+6 FTM here and I messed up.

I went down a reddit rabbit hole after my 3am pee this morning about epidurals failing. Google says it can be up to 23% of the time.

The whole time I’ve been pregnant I’ve convinced myself I’ll be fine because I’ll have an epidural and I won’t feel the excruciating pain of childbirth.

Im panicking. Fell back asleep and woke up in a nervous sweat.

Please help me, I don’t want to ruin my birthing experience by being a nervous wreck about the epidural not working 😭

Book recommendations Advice wanted

Hey there,

Wondering if anyone has book recs for treating severe depression/SI in teens and pre teens.

Thanks in advance!

Thank you, this is all very helpful

He is with State Farm and the policy has always been with State Farm. I am also starting to question the ethics of the decisions he made

That may make sense since the other car wasn’t showing on the policy until last month. I just wish he’d be straight forward about it

The rate increase isn’t why I want to complain. I don’t understand why he quoted me one thing and I’m being charged another. And then when I ask, he seems not to know and tells me he’ll get back to me and I don’t hear from him

How to file complaintAuto Insurance


Is there a way for me to file a complaint against an insurance agent? For context - we’ve had the same car insurance company for years with no issues. Last year, we moved to a new area and got a new insurance agent in the area.

When it was time to renew, there was a huge ($200) jump in our monthly premium without any reasonable explanation (ticket, accident, new car, etc).

I reached out to the agent who told me that the best approach would be to cancel the current policy and request a new quote as if we were new customers. he assured me that he could take care of all of it and it would be the same coverage as it was previously.

First issue is this took forever. It was supposed to be done in December and didn't get finalized until mid March. At one point it looked like I didn't have active coverage on my car, I freaked out, stayed home from work and he told me I had temporary coverage while they wrote the policy.

Finally, I got the monthly premium amount with both cars. It was higher than before but less than the original renewal. For the last 2 months, we‘ve been charged more than 100$ more than what the monthly quote was from him. When I received the bill last month and this month, I promptly reached out to him and asked why it was so high. Both times he said he’d look into it and get back to me. Both times I never heard from him.

I am 4 weeks away from having a baby and I just want to cry. I don’t understand why this has been so complicated and I don’t have the type of money to be able to handle any monthly bill.

I want to complain and I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to complain to the agency he works for or am I just out of luck and I should go find another company and cut my losses?

How to file complaintConsumer Question


Is there a way for me to file a complaint against an insurance agent? For context - we’ve had the same car insurance company for years with no issues. Last year, we moved to a new area and got a new insurance agent in the area.

When it was time to renew, there was a huge ($200) jump in our monthly premium without any reasonable explanation (ticket, accident, new car, etc).

I reached out to the agent who told me that the best approach would be to cancel the current policy and request a new quote as if we were new customers. he assured me that he could take care of all of it and it would be the same coverage as it was previously.

First issue is this took forever. It was supposed to be done in December and didn't get finalized until mid March. At one point it looked like I didn't have active coverage on my car, I freaked out, stayed home from work and he told me I had temporary coverage while they wrote the policy.

Finally, I got the monthly premium amount with both cars. It was higher than before but less than the original renewal. For the last 2 months, we‘ve been charged more than 100$ more than what the monthly quote was from him. When I received the bill last month and this month, I promptly reached out to him and asked why it was so high. Both times he said he’d look into it and get back to me. Both times I never heard from him.

I am 4 weeks away from having a baby and I just want to cry. I don’t understand why this has been so complicated and I don’t have the type of money to be able to handle any monthly bill.

I want to complain and I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to complain to the agency he works for or am I just out of luck and I should go find another company and cut my losses?

Any recommendations for companies to call for AC installation? My house needs it bad before the summer arrives!

I went to the doctor yesterday- he said it’s candidiasis of the skin and prescribed me an antifungal

I recognize this isn’t going to be the most popular answer in this thread but the truth of it is that the highest rate of deaths 0-1 are asphyxiation related. While this isn’t always co-sleeping, it’s overwhelmingly related to unsafe sleep. I sit on child fatality review panels (social worker) and at least one a month is the review of a child 0-1 who died of unsafe sleep. (I live in the US)

I am expecting my first child next year and I can’t speak from personal success/failure. But I have purchased a bedside bassinet because I’ve been too close to the consequences of what happens when even well meaning, sober parents co sleep with a baby. Like another commenter said, it’s all about weighing the risk

You and another comment may have convinced me to go again. It’s way closer to me so it would be easier for sure!!

Yes to La Loma! Amazing food… downtown only though. Castle rock hasn’t been as good when I went.

I’m strugglingNeed Advice

This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done - FTM 11 weeks. I got a break from the extreme morning sickness but it’s back with a vengeance and acid reflux. My mental health has tanked. I know my husband is doing the best he can but I can tell he’s getting some compassion fatigue.

I feel so lonely and like there is so much longer to go. Any words of encouragement would be so so appreciated.
