I’m jelly.

I’ve got exterior “roll cage”. Hardest thing in my life is to take my top off. Well worth it tho.

I wouldn’t like the consistency of that pizza tbh.

There’s also a Barbie broom next to it.

I didn’t realize it’s real size until I saw the goose

I like it. I’ve really been wanting that style of tattoo on my hand. And burny sensation around the tattoo is normal when touched.

Not only did you focus the camera, but you also centered the frog in the image?!? Nice job op!


Love them. When I first got this catahoula it had been almost two years since I had a dog. And the past seven years before that I was an addict with no real morals. It showed. I spanked my new puppy only twice before I realized that’s not who she needed me to be. Not who I wanted to be.

2 and 1/2 years clean now, and we’ve worked on potty training, simple commands, and really nothing more. I come home to be comfortable. I expect her to treat this house with respect, as she does, but nothing more. She’s now my best friend and I love her more than anything else.

Love them how they love you, and you have given them something not all dogs have.

You’re a beautiful human being, don’t over think your relationship with them. Just be there.

Although the adhd doesn’t go away unless trained like how the top comment suggests.

I saw this, then went and bought stuff for a BLT. Thank you.

Legit took me 12 minutes to say “f it, ima check the comments”

“That time I got reincarnated as a slime.”