This makes me feel things & I like it. Thanks for sharing!

It reminds me of the good part of adult swim.



I was just subpoenaed in MD for my own 911 call. I ended up not even needing to go because the apparently 42 charges were dismissed, but i donā€™t think thereā€™s any way to tell beforehand. Itā€™s better to go & answer honestly.

Itā€™s quite possible you might not even need to attend, but you DO need to go because if they need you & you arenā€™t there, theyā€™ll put a bench warrant out on you.

Tip for if they do question you : answer only what they ask & provide no more info past that unless asked. Theyā€™re asking for what happened, not for opinions, assumptions, guesses, feelings, or thoughts.

Yes, No, I donā€™t recall.

I left with nothing, no clothes, no supplies, & no money. I got a ride a good few towns over that had a bustling outdoor population, great services (places to shower, eat breakfast & dinner, food bank, provide clothes, & if you were there long enough, a waitlist for a tent if you needed it.) bus routes, & ample opportunity to make money as this town was far larger - more accessible than the one I left. It was summer so I didnā€™t need to worry about being cold.

Started talking to the other homeless & making friends, met a nice man who let me stay in his tent until I got one of my own & eventually I did. In the week or two I stayed with him, I learned the names of my fellow outdoorsmen & women, the good places to set up, who provides food-showers, who was hiring, & who to watch out for.

It might not be ideal to go this route if youā€™re trying to be self sufficient from the man & the man provides services but it IS a good crash course on how to get comfortable outside. Once you have the hang of it, hop the train - go somewhere that makes you happy & enjoy.

A Flair?

Woke used to mean thinking critically of the world around us, not wholeheartedly believing everything anyone in a position of authority || higher power or even the news says at face value, doing research & forming oneā€™s own opinions. As the ā€œconspiracy craziesā€ say, ā€˜wake up! - donā€™t be a sheep.ā€™ Those who could and did were woke.

Then the BLM got ahold of it & changed the meaning. Then rich white ladies got ahold of it & I donā€™t even know what itā€™s supposed to mean anymore but I think itā€™s an insult now..

You get it daily, not even for logging in daily, just daily swag.

I wonder if the same applies for the eyes.

My best friend is loosing his sight. Wet or dry macula, I forget which, but itā€™s the one they canā€™t fix or halt deterioration with shots. He told me thereā€™s an experimental surgery out there where theyā€™ll basically grow you a new macula in a lab & swap it out. I even offered to pay for the surgery no strings attached, but he keeps turning me down. Heā€™s starting to crash his truck(s) into things & itā€™s absolutely breaking my heart.

I think he believes he can just operate like this until he canā€™t anymore (either revoked license or complete blindness) & will address the surgery option then but I feel like heā€™s doing more damage (like how you said nerves go dormant) by prolonging repair.

I looked it up & it seems like a knock off brand Fallout. Actions have consequences, your decisions shape the world, vast opportunity to fall in love with the characters because yu have to spend so much time with them to make them good, thereā€™s also base building. The game looks like shit but apparently has so much going on, itā€™s easy to overlook. Iā€™m gonna give it a try.


Take my poor manā€™s award

Resisting arrest is a secondary charge but too many cops donā€™t seem to know this or care.

No. Thru traffic has right of way, meaning when someone turns onto a road you are cooking on, theyā€™re obligated to make sure itā€™s clear before entering. It was not clear, you were there. Also heā€™s jumped 3 lanes at once, yikes!

Her face isnā€™t even shiny, her baby hairs arenā€™t even wet, her mascara isnā€™t even running even onto the upper eyelids.. she dunno what heat is.

Donā€™t breathe in, donā€™t breathe in, donā€™t breathe in.


I feel like this is what dreams actually look like, but weā€™re so off-guard that we donā€™t notice that the flying leg clumps arenā€™t actually humans.

Man heā€™s got a big mouth. šŸ˜Æ


Take my poor manā€™s award.

Power wash the walkway, remove that rust from the wall & metal - paint the rust-removed metal, new coat of paint on all the walls, put down new stones, more plants, flowers if theyā€™ll grow there, buy a hide-a-way box for that hose, hang some wind chimes, get some pathway lights & new-bigger outdoor light fixtures, throw some bigger rocks around the seating area, invest in some new seating.