We are looking to buy our first home, a newly built condo through our city affordable homes for middle income families. The condo is priced at 10-20% below market value. We had taken a look yesterday and noticed the living room wall had a very noticeable hump, the bottom of the wall and floorboards had a wave to it. The wave was about a foot long. Our realtor said the developers is unlikely to fix that. She seemed to be not bothered by it. Is this normal? I’m not sure if it’s because it’s through the program we are suppose to accept these deficiencies. She also said an inspection was not needed for a new built and I should save my money. Even thru the program this 870 square feet apartment is going to cost us 450,000. While lower than other condos on the market it’s still a very big investment for us. She seemed very non chalant about things and also mentioned other things “like this ding on the fridge, unlikely they will give you a new fridge”.

I appreciate any advice!