So I just finished weaning myself off of bupropion 300-450mg daily for 10+ years. Seriously. Mostly 300 mg. 6 weeks in im struggling. But withdrawal was crazy bad physical symptoms like body aches etc. no vomiting or shakes as people describe just general lethargic and achey. That part is over but I’m dragging physically. So, although my goal is to get off of it permanently, knowing my own body and making sure I am following my symptoms but not majoring in them is also a fine balance. At the same time. I’m feeling like a low dose for a month or so may help me balance out, get motivated and on a positive roll so then I’d be better able to maintain an exercise routine that would keep my levels boosted naturally... Might be something to consider. Wondering about anyone’s thoughts about this as well.

5 weeks off of bupropion

So I had been taking 150- 300-450 mg of bupropion for 10+ years. Most of the time 300 mg. I dropped to 300 to 150 then off. First 2 weeks were hell. Body aches, fatigue, felt like I was 80 years old, stiff no motivation. Brain fog felt stupid and slow. Slowly body is recovering but tempted to jump back on 150 for a bit bc emotional rollercoaster and grief from life situations getting me down. Is it just in my head literally is it bc I’m thinking about it or do I need it? What would you do?

Wellbutrin probably has the least weight gain. Some antidepressants mess with your blood sugar. That’s the weight gain.

Get it jnto the shade now! Also it needs humidity so mist it as well. Only plant it outside if you can protect it and make sure it gets plenty of humidity.

Hopefully it’s just transplant shock. We had a tree do that 3 years ago ( a bit smaller by about half) and it’s fine now. We just continued and followed the normal care instructions.

I apologize. I should have said “me” and not “ you.” Glad it’s working for you. Having been taking anti depressants most of my adult life, (I’m in my 60’s) I’ve found being free of them hasn’t changed anything except my ability to feel my emotions and deal with them instead of stuff them. And this is about me not anyone else so please don’t take offense.

Idk exactly. It’s just what I would do. Seems most wild redbuds do best. And they grow well, reach for the sun and no one messes with them. I have successfully transplanted one that sprouted in a large planter sitting around. Bc I didn’t disturb the roots etc. any I’ve tried to dig up and transplant have died. This one is in the ground 4 th year. It started slow this year but has caught up and did actually bloom well just a week or so behind the wild ones in the woods around me.

It’s an over the counter natures supplement you can get it a lot of places. I always try to find a good brand that’s standardized.

I would just leave it alone this year. Mulch it very well for winter.

Try gingko biloba supplements. Might take a month a (natural supplement) but it works for me.

I’ve tried a lot of them. EVERY ONE of them numbs you. At first Wellbutrin didn’t seem to but after getting off of it I’m way more able to relax and have way more patience with myself.

Try gingko biloba supplements. They helped me. Dr recommended early on in my journey when I complained of that side effect. It will take a few weeks but you should notice a difference…

Dig deep and do it quick before they’re bigger… I fight Oak trees in my flower beds every year..

I’d like them to be trees as that’s their variety as you see 21’ tall.

Yes that was it. Reddit wants full access to work. Thanks for your time!

Well… I didn’t want to do anything but limited. We’ll see if it works with full access. Thanks.

Think I did but I’ll double check lol

No I’m new to this platform and I can type a text bidy but when I hit the “photo icon” it only takes me to my camera and not my photos. Tried copy and paste as well no luck. Thanks for help.