They're reenacting the scene from Spaceballs when they watch the early video release of the movie to find out where Lonestar went. In a moment one of them is going to look back at the camera and wave his paw back and forth.

And if you put all that together, it gives the impression that you are named Cousin It.

It's more like his fraternity's national office did damage control and forced his chapter to kick him out; so still pretty meaningless.

I don't want to play this game.

This is kind of how I've been looking at things recently. Just improve from one year to the next.

With the added request to not do anything embarrassingly boneheaded this season. Be smart. Take the knee.

I just glare into the mirror, and my beard is so intimidated it trims itself.

This is a good setup for a "buns" joke of some kind, but I'm too tired to think of it right now. Can someone help me out?

What are you going to do, bleed on me?

"Attention passengers: The tour of the coral reefs is getting ready to start on the Veranda deck. Scuba gear will be available to rent. Happy cruising!"

Subnautica, Stranded Deep, and Ark (although the water is only a part of that one). Those are the ones that I've experience that really go hard with the thalassophobia.

Your response as written was perfectly professional. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

Mischievous and Deceitful. Chicanerous and Deplorable.

Honorable mention to all the times someone repeats something for dramatic effect. People don't talk like that ever.

"So am I, John. So am I."

That would have been silly, but still a definite improvement over a dramatic line with absolutely no point to saying it. It actually would have been an improvement for her to just not say anything at all.

This, with the addition that you can almost bet on the fact that the ones who say this are crappy selfish husbands who are completely unaware of their contributions to their own marital misery.

Oddly enough (since I don't know you), but yes! Always proud to see someone learn more about the world; either formally or informally. Sucks for the 7-11 fans though.