If you're going for something more stylized then it's absolutely fantastic, if you're going for realistic then maybe soften some of the angles for the face

Absolutely! Love the sharp style with the harsher shading!


Visual, the eyeball is always going to be round same with the iris and pupil, they don't bleed together. The lids create the shape and the more narrow you make them, the sharper the eye is, the two lines at the top are the lid creases not everyone has them and those that don't have them tend to have more narrow eyes

Pupils should be in the middle of the iris and be a circle. Eyeballs are round and eyelids are what gives our eyes shape, usually an oval shape. I recommend looking up pictures of eyes and tracing the shapes until you've got it down

Fantastic job on the torso and thighs! The face and arms need some practice though, while the rest of the body has smoother curves the arms are very sharp and angular like it's just skin on bone. The face lacks in detail so it sticks out a lot, adding more features and shading could really help.

In my experience having a close area to drop pawns at for emergency care without my medics getting shot or blown up makes things a little easier

Absolutely not, your mom knew what she was saying.

My dad had the same thing a few months ago, found out it was a brain aneurysm

It looks cool but the armor is very impractical