Probably can't get themselves back to sleep. I recommend the book The Happy Sleeper, lots of tips by age

This could be fluid from the c section. They had me use saline and the blue sucker to try to thin and suck it out for my c section guy who is stuffy. Never feel bad going to the pediatrician for reassurance, either

Are you using swaddles? They help with sleep. Find a lactation consultant to work with re the nursing. Day 2&3 they nurse a lot to bring in the milk. If it's very painful evaluate for a tongue tie (pediatrician, lactation consultant or ENT). You might need to split night into shifts so you can sleep for the 2-3 hours between feeding.

In parenting, everything changes, and it has a season. Will you get back to hobbies? Probably. But probably not alright now. Anecdotally I think Dad's struggle more with getting back to's a new normal, one in which you have familial obligations that are different and on a child's schedule and you need to prioritize sleep for everyone.

This should be higher 🤣 it's true, it changes but it's at least until everyone is over 4/5.

A manual pump won't cut it. Buy a double electric (your insurance may cover this but specific brands from specific stores) or rent a hospital grade pump. Pump w that for 10-15 min. Find a lactation consultant to work with more than once. It can take work.

I'd be very concerned and would be considering changing centers. Not answering phones, strike 1. Out of ratio strike 2. Director arguing with you about how to feed your child, strike 3. I bet it's not the first time they haven't done what you asked. In my experience not all centers will deal with atypical children/care instructions well. At minimum, report the ratio issue and I'd be making some surprise early pick up appearances to see what is happening outside of pick up time.

It seems stressful to me personally to try to do that because you would have to figure out your supply and when to pump etc. After a few weeks you can probably pump enough for your husband to do a bottle or two. People do supplement, but similarly, if you're trying to breastfeed, they tell you to wait a few weeks to do bottles. All of this is a bit hard to plan in never know in reality what will happen before you have kids. You may have to formula feed and it all goes out the window.

Yes, once I had a second, good sleeper I realized they come out that way, there was nothing we did "wrong" with the bad sleeper.

It's frustrating when Dad's expect mom to feed the baby because it fusses, such maybe is in play here. Yes they fall asleep nursing, but there's other things to try. Let baby suck your finger or a pacifier, rock/walk/jiggle and shh them for awhile. Give it a real go before writing it off as different you can't do, it might just take some time. You both need to be able to put the baby to sleep

Once you do it it becomes more normal. It's hard to think about in abstract.

YTA. I think it's inappropriate. If you want to interact with children I think there are better ways without a 20% rate of making people upset or uncomfortable. Grandma may have overreacted in that you can't be expected to know their specific issue, but it is a bit of a boundary violation with strangers regardless of intent. Some kids will be upset by this, some families will be at best uncomfortable by this kind of thing from a stranger.

He's a total wouldn't use a stranger as an example of a "safe" person.

Everything I read gets worse...whyyyy is she allowed near you? Husband needs to show he gets this, immediately, or id consider leaving, and getting a OP against MIL. Take him to a counselor with you, too. Good grief

This should be reported to the police. That should scare them

It's not that bad. I use a straw, take one with you!

HR needs facts, the sample here is good. I would bullet pit the harassment/insubordination issues with names, dates, etc as best you can and indicate you're willing to meet to discuss.

Honestly this is weird and I'd have other questions about that early hour gym time, but that aside, NTA, he's being ridiculous.

Follow safe sleep guidelines, which say no cosleeping. They come up with the guidelines based on research/for good reason. Alone, on back, in their own crib.

Yes, no young kids, not cold/flu season. Ask people to wash before touching or just don't pass the baby around.

I gained four pounds in a week, for perspective Absolutely tell your MD you'd prefer no weight comments

You never feel totally ready to go back to work, but I suggest can always still leave later but once you start working again you adjust. I plan to return.

Yes. Don't get me started on how pediatricians keep pushing this as a solution to exhausted parents. Everyone with a fussy baby isn't dealing with a dairy allergy 🤪