Of all the characters I'd like to see amplified I think Coco is top of my list. Coco's dust amplification, further amplified by Jaune, and I just want to imagine that it'd turn Coco's minigun into a rapid firing artillery cannon.

I believe that's Kehasuk. They got a lot of cool stuff but their online store is on hiatus right now.


I don't know the exact product name but that's one of the RWBY chibi plushes. They're smaller than the other line of plushies and there was one for each of RWBY. It's definitely official merch, just long discontinued and very hard to find.

If you do end up selling this I'd be very interested as Ruby is the only one from this series that I'm missing.

Rupees Lost in Wind Waker Randomizer

So I was rewatching the Randomizer from the beginning and decided to keep a tally of the rupees that were lost due to the small wallet size. The final tally may be off a bit by like 20 - 40 rupees, as there were instances of them collecting only 1 rupee while travelling that I didn't record.

Otherwise the amount of rupees that lie at the bottom of the Great Sea before Matt and Michael got the big wallet comes out to... around 3100 rupees.

A good chunk of change but I honestly thought it would have been more. If anyone's interested here's the link to the spreadsheet that shows when each instance of rupee dropping occurred:


It looks pretty similar to Gray Haddock's signature.

It probably just wasn't worth it. Who knows how long it takes to store that much energy. Even just a small fraction could be decades or more worth. And what would Ozpin achieve by killing Cinder? The relic isn't held in the vault so that's safe. All Salem gets if Cinder lives is a stronger fighter but it's not like maidens are invincible.

To me, it would seem like everything happening at the Fall of Beacon wasn't something Ozpin couldn't recover from in the grand scheme of things, so no need to waste power when he doesn't lose much if he doesn't use it for a quick kill.

Odin-5 F3 replacements/upgradesQuestion

So I just recently got gifted one of these printers. I've had an SV01 that I upgraded with a silent board, some cable managers, and a new hotend. I was wondering if this model of printer had any common aspects/problems like those that should be addressed?

Most of my cursory searching of this model online was about how the folding design could theoretically impact stability with little in confirmation of such, and how the fan was somewhat loud and/or somewhat lackluster in cooling. Any information would be much appreciated.

I divided them into 6 different groups. While I've put each semblance in what I think fits each category I'll just put common examples to show what I mean with each one.

Physical, uses aura to create a physical effect centered around the users body: Ruby, Hazel, Maria

Conjuration, creates objects or physical effects from nothing but aura: Weiss, Blake, Neo

Telekinetic, mental command of physical objects: Glynda, Neptune, Pyrrha

Mental, uses aura to affect the mind in someway: Ren, Yatsuhashi, Robyn, Fox

Transmutation, changes either physical matter or aura into some other object or effect: Cinder, Fiona, May

Aura, abilities directly linked to the function of aura and semblances themselves: Jaune, Tyrian, Marcus

Unfortunately there's quite a few that fit that description. Some things to narrow it down if you can remember: when you say kid, do you mean little kid or just a couple of years before beacon? Was it just Jaune that got sent back? Was this a longer fic or a one shot?

Thanks a lot for all the info. For the time being I think I'll look into the hotend thing a bit more and mull over the size issues before making a final decision.

If I were to look at the Mega SE as an alternative what would be cliff notes of what you recommend to upgrade on it?

This is just my opinion on it, but for most things I'd price them at either their original costs or lower. While there are items I'm sure people are actively looking for, like old shirt designs and whatnot, I don't think they carry that same value as say vintage games/collectibles. So for shirts like $10 - $30 based on what design, smaller figures like around $20 or so. And then also add on the price of shipping if necessary. If those chibi plushes are the ones I'm thinking of you might get more for those, and on the flipside I'm not sure that a beta tester pin is gonna have much value.

As for a place to do so here might be your best place in terms of finding someone who's interested quickly. Otherwise something like ebay for wider range or facebook marketplace if you want to try selling it without having to ship something.

First off, thank you so much for compiling this information, it has been a huge help. So after looking at your recommendations and the stuff in the excel sheet one of the choices I’ve narrowed down to has been the SV01. However there were some things I was hoping to get your input about it. Other than the loudness and wire management, one of the cons listed was a subpar cooling shroud. I’m not familiar with all 3d printer parts so was wondering what this meant and if it’s upgradable/replaceable?

Something I would also like to be able to do later on is print in ABS. From my understanding temperature control is much more important for printing with this material than PLA. Please correct me if I’m missing anything or got something wrong, but this would boil down to an enclosure to maintain ambient temp (which can be made), an all metal hotend to melt the ABS correctly, and good bed heating to prevent warping. For the SV01 is it easy to replace the hotend, and is its heat bed good in your opinion?

Lastly, while the extra size of its printing bed is nice I’m a little wary of how unique it is. Are there any major complications in this regard for getting replacement parts, like a new heat bed or printing surface, or is it a non-issue?

Some of the other models I was looking at were the Neptune 2/s, the Sunlu S8 Plus, and the Mega SE. I didn’t see much opinion on the S8 here or in other threads, and just looking at the specs listed out it seems like the SV01 has more going for it than the Neptune or Mega SE. But I’m a noob when it comes to 3d printers so maybe I’m reading something wrong, so I’ll ask you if you would recommend any of those over the SV01. Side note, I also would have added the Artillery Genius to this list but I can’t seem to find a place to buy it online (or at least one I feel secure in buying from).

Not a serious answer, but when I saw this prompt my immediate thought went to the Franky vs Senor Pink fight from One Piece. Just Ironwood and Hazel taking turns as they punch each other as hard as they can until one goes down.

Looking for fanfics where someone makes weapons from AuraREQUEST

So I really liked the concept of generating aura attacks and weapons that Imyoshi has in his fic Silver. However I'm not really a fan of the story as a whole. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for stories with a similar concept? Something where one of the characters creates aura weapons, either through control or semblance, or just where one of the characters pushes the concept of what aura can do.

Something in the same vein as what I'm looking for would be Tournament Arc by ImSoAwesome with its focus on the different ways Jaune could use his semblance to augment basic aura functions (speed, strength, defense, etc.).


Breaking Through the Bottom of the Bottle, focused entirely on the Dragonslayer romance: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12027237/1/Breaking-Through-the-Bottom-of-the-Bottle

A Man of No Tribe is also good, with Dragonslayer being both the main romance and tying heavily to the main plot point of the story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12844057/1/A-Man-of-No-Tribe

Fighting Mean isn't primarily about Dragonslayer but it is there. Sequel fic isn't as good I think but that's just my take. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12771558/1/Fighting-Mean

Spectrum, again not primarily about Dragonslayer pairing but it is still prominent. Otherwise still a great story. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11352744/1/Spectrum

The Entertainer, this one covers some mature theming in how it does Dragonslayer, so forewarning. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12146135/1/The-Entertainer

And then some one shot fics to the pile, just cause I like them:




I didn't realize semblances, as individual abilities, were a thing until Pyrrha directly called them out in Forever Fall. Before that point I just assumed that all the crazy stuff going on (Ruby's speed, Weiss' glyphs) was either just anime movement or magic that people could learn.

Since RWBY came from the guy who made Haloid and Dead Fantasy, where exaggerated feats were the norm, I hope some people could see where I was coming from lol.

That's actually a really cool way to look at it. I love that idea that the platform glyphs are just the summon platforms being manifested without the summons or appropriate dust effect.

There are two aspects of her semblance that I don't think mesh well with this idea though. First is the speed boost from the base glyph. If the semblance is just always a summoning one with the glyph acting as the base/firing end then why would it accelerate those who land on it? Second is the time dilation (which is also it's own weird thing). If she's summoning using lightning dust shouldn't it make a lightning blast/storm or do like what Winter when she used lightning dust?

Other than that I really like how this explains a lot of what Weiss does in a consistent manner.

I've got a couple that, while I think are awesome semblances, when I compare them to how other semblances work think they're kinda odd.

For example Weiss's glyph's. At it's most basic she can make these glyph's to act as platforms and speed enhancers. Alright makes enough sense. But then it just has this other unrelated aspect about summoning a construct of a defeated foe? It's my favorite semblance but it's just weird that it has two such different abilities, whereas most other semblances are either a simpler one-part ability or a multipart ability that has more related segments.

The other weird one is Marrow's semblance stay. This one is odd to me both because of its effect, which is highly specific in what it does, and its activation requirements. When I see his stay ability I always think it's kinda like telekinesis but used specifically to only hold something in place rather than moving it freely like Goodwitch does. And then to activate it he has to physically point at the thing he wants to affect, snap his fingers and say 'stay'. Like, the pointing I can kinda get to focus where you're using your power, but it's funny to think if other semblances had to be activated by a pose or keyword like this one does.

These aren't negative in the sense that Pyrrha is antagonistic like in Tournament Arc but I can think of two that portray her in negative ways. There's Burned by Constable Paperbag which has a Pyrrha wracked with guilt and having a martyr syndrome. The other is A Man of No Tribe by Ikedawg43. This one has Pyrrha more being mentally manipulated by different people and not being able to handle it well. Again its less about Pyrrha herself having done anything wrong and more she's a victim of other people and just happens to make things worse.

Sorry I can't give better recommendations but of all the stuff I read Pyrrha's usually a kind/competent person or just a side character in most people's stories.

For anyone interested, the artist is Alexander Iaccarino. He has a bunch of other awesome stuff you can find at: https://www.alexanderiaccarino.com/

This is his only RWBY work though.