Wow. Seems like pod 3 is just overall a much better product given the heat pod 4 produces.

Well, it sounds like you think JP Morgan is making a catastrophic mistake. If you’re correct, they’ll hurt badly and Schwab and Fidelity will overtake them. So you can rest easy now that we all know you know more than Jamie dimon on how JP Morgan can make more profit.

Fidelity is a private company and family owned. Has a very different business model.

Super frustrating. The Bose sleep buds 2 were flawed but good enough. They should’ve just slapped their logo on them and called it a day. Would’ve bought 20 of them.

No, I understood it the first time. I still think it’s a red herring for the reasons I stated. I know you mean well.

I don’t know why you’re saying “governments” pushed this. It’s not propaganda. Antisemitism cloaked as just Anti Zionism literally presages the Romans and got a new modern twist shortly after Herzl. It’s very obvious what’s happening when you have these “human rights” activist overlook atrocities all over the world and somehow ally themselves with the enemies of Israel (that they are totally ignorant about).

When you ostracize the only Jewish state for special condemnation and go out of your way to put much of the rhetoric and hatred against one state that happens to be the Jewish one, you can call it whatever you want. But it’s reasonable for people to conclude you are attempting to delegitimize Jewish self determination (the definition of Zionism) and it doesn’t really matter what you label it. Everyone knows what it is, and the whole “criticizing the actions of a state” is a total straw man since everyone in Israel (like all democracies) constantly criticize their own governments.

Depends on how often you travel. For frequent travelers who spend a lot of time on the road I would think maybe 3-5 years. It’s just a metal container with some plastic hardware — there’s nothing too special about it. If you wanted a great warranty you’d get luggage at Costco. People buy rimowa mainly for the combo of durability and looks.

They have a fiduciary duty to maximize profits. They have shareholders. New regulations reduce their profits. So they’re shifting fees elsewhere to legal areas. Corporations will always pass on higher regulatory costs to consumers.

YNAB is $110/year so not the cheapest. The major downside is that the bank connectivity is terrible and flaky and they haven’t updated the app in years.

Bought a car in north location. Absolutely terrible experience. It’s a zoo there. You’ll need to have them repair things and it’s absolutely impossible to get a hold of anyone without physically going there and grabbing someone by arm and getting their attention. They also made all kinds of sloppy mistakes with paperwork that I’m still dealing with years later. Avoid at all cost.

Didn’t google buy them? Always assumed it’d same as google flights.

What did they do to initiate this response?

Never thought about this use case. Genius. Never buy final sale stuff but I guess I should now

I’m convinced pest control purposely does a half assed job so that you buy into their routine preventive services. Sounds like this time they miscalculated and didn’t even do the half.

Looks nice. Can’t bring myself to spend that much on something that probably cost 14 cents to make in a Chinese nylon factory.

Only thing I would pay extra for is the speakers. I’m in Texas so heated seats literally never useful.

You can literally just talk to former APD to know that’s not true. There’s a lot of them. I’m not sure where you’re getting the information.


I know, I’m wasting my time. This is the lowest IQ sub on Reddit. It’s like watching cattle congregate around a patch of grass. Everyone is the same, same opinions and same animal noises, and nothing you see is terribly impressive.

Then next question is why is there a culture of apathy. Maybe has something to do with all their work getting thrown out by the DA, which doesn’t prosecute anyone. So morale is low. And maybe has to do with the fact that the city attacks them at every step and blames them for everything. Then gives them a nominal budget increase and says what’s wrong guys. Both factors leading the best officers to move to San Marcos and other counties. Austin had developed a reputation as one of the worst places to be a cop.

I would thank them too if if witnessed a single piece of the software being improved on last 5 years. But I haven’t. I don’t know what they’re spending all their time on but would be nice to fix all the things everyone has been complaining about for years.

What? There’s literally a 500 officer shortage cap. 350 deficit plus the 150 that was cancelled a few years ago. 500 below the projection according to population increase. So yeah, there’s a shortage, and literally nobody disputes this.