Here is my shocked face when you tell me there is a bunch of aluminum dust in the air over exposed and erroding fledespar formations. ~~

Nice work, those pouchs are way more symmetrical then anything I have managed.

When Winston Churchill said that he was trolling idiots.

He was literally making fun of people who had a habit of saying history is written by the victor.

Absolutly not, duck and cover was about avoid injury from flying debris namely glass. You can be way oitside of the leathal blast but still with in the 0.5 psi that will shatter glass and send it flying.

Its notable to that the closest thing to a city taking a hit form a modern nuclear blast was the Chelyabinsk metor which was a 400 kt event. It exploded very high up which resulted in an area being exposed to 1 to .25 psi blast. 70% of the injuries were from broken glass.

Legion being a rift on Rome would do what romans did, beat them to death with blunt object pre 140ad or crucifie them after 140ad.

We are legite getting into "there is gonna be a war" zone of national history.

Hmm, as some one who has helped fund them I would strongly disagree. I have also helped fund raise for restoring steam to running conditions and its damed hard to raise money

T-1 has motivated people, its big, its beautiful and the idea of breaking the speed record is a concreat goal that gets people to open up their purse string.

I have tossed this about it, my mind, and I have to disagree.

Bolos, humanity, and even some of our xeno enemies are just too good for the 40k universe. I dont mean that to imply that 40k is bad but atbits core its grimdark, no Hope, no Good Guys and the Boloverse is definitely Hopefully and full of Good Guys.

Now world like AOE Planet Fall are legit 40k predecessor with a proto warp, Space! magic and giant armored vehicals with plasma canons releasing swarms of drones and "constructio" machines hundreds of meters long that are used to strip down biospheres.

Only MD who asked, asked me, the husband was in fact a woman.

Being at the dawn of the internet age i had no idea wtf she was talking about, told her to ask my wife who also had no clue what she was talking about and just screamed "no".

Even as basiclly a kid, the idea of her asking me, the husband was kinda,. Idk the right word, revolting? on several levels.

Depends on the state, I use to be the guy who had to take licenses from elderly people with dementia and its a proccess in most states, it doesnt just happen due to a test.

In some states as you have to have a judge sign off on it and some of those states have no rules in place covering the entire state. Some judges just require an MD note, some will allow a nurse to sign off along with some proof of sufficient cuase like dementia, other will make you go infront of them in person with a disabled demented person who likely has no clue who anyone is or what they are doing.

So I just downloaded and reviewed several of their tests and the strontium readings were all perfectly normal

Strontium barium and aluminum are all naturally occuring elements, aluminum being the 3rd most common element in the crust so yeah, you would expect them to be present in the form of dust depending on where you are.

Its intresting to becuase in one test they 625 mcg/lt of aluminum (which is a wierd way to list it but whatever) and 95 mcg/lt barium, and 59 mcg/lt strotium. That almost perfectly mirrors the crust make up of the Gobi Desert which depending on the season frequesnty is the source of high atmospheric dust over the american west coast. Now had they been doing honest research they would have gave the amounts of silica, magnesium, calcium and they would have included a break down of the compounds like aluminumIII oxide but that would allow some one with basic geological knowledge to tell you exactly where the sample dust orginated from.

Also, modern spectroscopy can detect nanogram levels in a sample, if you wanted to test for chemtrails why no titanium, cobalt, chromium and nickle checks? Those chemicals in a specfic ratio would 100% indicate that the chemicals tested were associated with a modern highbypass turbofan.

Answer: the tester knows he or she is testing normal atmospheric dust and is not intested in proving or potentially disproving chemtrails.

Pretty sure you are refering to that idiot in eastern Europe that made that claim and then it turned out his "chemtrail sample" was breakdust from an old car.

Pine is perfectly good to build with, is naturally rot resistant, manages occasional wetting well and most bugs dont care for it, its dimensionally stable and handles compression better then most timber.

Have brick house, do live in Pennsylvania.

If you see a beer listed for $15 and decide to get it thats on you, heck for plenty of people $15 is nothing and the beer is worth it.

But sneaking in BS fees like this is a whole differnt game even if its only 75 cents its scuzzy as hell.

I 100% agree and upvoted but becareful with trying to insert logic into this setting. Its literly a universe where space cathedrals are the ultimate weapon and techno knights run around smacking cockney dock workers with chainsaws.

I would have considered AoE4 a decent game if it was the lead game of a new series. It's not great, but it's good.

As an AoE game I just couldnt get into it, ai tried, even set it down for a few months and then came back but it just never gelled for me.

DOW3 was like a crime against humanity. One of those rare games that actually made me go for a refund.

Wtf is up with karens always coming up with silly reasons to care what other people are doing on their property?

Lawn ornaments? FOR SHAME!

They painted their house in a color you dont aprove of? So the fuck what?

Bad accents? I mean come the fuck on, that is a you problem, 100% you and if you are that worried about other peoples home accent colors perhapes some introspection is in order.

8 inch tall weeds? Unless you live in the sticks thats almost already a code issue, if you do live in the sticks there weeds are likely a mile away.

Cars like that? Again its probably illeagal already.