I'm a capitalist that believes in regulated markets, regulations to prevent predatory actions, as well as socially responsible programs and universal healthcare. The idea all capitalist just believe companies should be allowed to do whatever they want is just a lie, that's basically just conservatives.

The problem with laissez-faire economics is it assumes humans are rational and have perfect information, neither of these things are true. That doesn't make communism superior, it just means the role for government needs to be ensuring fairness and social responsibility in the economy.

It's not like it can't be done, the Nordic countries have created a great model.

I wouldn't want to embarass myself either. Not because I'm buying tampons, but because I would have zero clue what to buy. I would just be standing there in front of a wallnof tampons too nervous to ask someone which one I should get my wife.

It's no longer a horseshoe, it is now just a circle

Wait wait wait, wtf, we need a sac fly to close the lead to 1 and we put up the guy with a 40% strike out rate?

It's never a good sign when I get excited about our superstar potential MVP signing getting a single

Gray getting lit up like the sparring doll from 3 Ninjas

"Light up the eyes boys, light up the eyes"

They have to try to raise the shock level every season

St. Louis CITY SC :stl:

He actively said he was open to it tho

St. Louis CITY SC :stl:

If it is anything other than firing him and banning his family line from participating in US soccer for 6 generations it isn't the correct decision.

People keep coming here with chant ideas need to go to the supporters groups, they don't take anything from the subreddit.

:1990s_The_Oval_Tiger: Oval Tiger

This isn't real right? We literally never talk about them. This must be because like 9 giys on Twitter made funnof their coaches reaction to Tavion and said he was trying to be like Drink.

Other than that.....we literally never talk about them lmao.

:missouri: Missouri

We've got more coming this week, hold on to your asses.

Intel's GPU's are much better than they were at release and should seriously be considered for any budget gaming rig. They have done some serious driver optimization which was always the problem, they just need to do better having the drivers ready to go on release.

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going except they got some words wrong and added together.

The iCue update makes it so the controller isn't recognized by a lot of 3rd party software and games. I literally uninstalled iCue and run my controller off the built in profiles. Simply not running iCue didn't fix it, I had to completely uninstall it.

No, unless you like awful software that gets worse with every update to the point you literally can't use it in half the games you want to play.

Did you just run the April iCue update or is this the first time you've played Forza since that update?

They fucked everything up with the iCue updates and have just decided not to fucking fix it for some god damn reason. Never buying Scuf ever again and telling every person the same until they give us some kind of update/timeline or actually fix it.