Not only is it delayed but the statues went from 4 to 2 statues lmao

What do you mean sour grapes? You make a statement and downvote me and then you run crying when you can’t back it up by facts. I swear redditors are mentally ill.

Okay, so name something that you can’t find online. 

I just kind of stopped using it since I no longer have a local library. There is no reason to, since all music can be streamed on demand whenever I want.

This is some autist fantasy if I ever saw one. Not only isn’t the situation point and laugh funny in the first place, there is no way in hell half a restaurant would join in and laugh with anon. 

Kingdoms are not democracies, you didn’t generally need to justify your rule based on what the people or society wanted. As a noble, you didn’t answer to the people, it was the other way around. People were uneducated, the only things they would understand would be that the throne was yours by blood or by right of god. 

Pre to early internet games. Before it became mainstream and turned into a bland soup aimed at absolutely everyone. Games aren’t for gamers anymore. 

I prefer elden ring. But that’s me. Why can’t you decide something like this yourself. Only you know your own taste. 

Pillars of eternity. The vision to make every stat and ability viable made none of them distinct and made the game boring. Early game is a slow whiff-fest and combat is boring as hell. Real time with pause is like the worst of RTS mixed with the worst of turn based

Subaru has had a lot more time to establish herself… and is also JP. So not really a fair comparison. Though it probably doesn’t help being part of Niji. 

You are never too old, but you might become too busy or exhausted to play as you grow older, gain responsibilities, children and work.

I havent touched a blizzard game since they showed their cards and turned out to be rotten. I haven’t watched Ninisanji since they terminated Selen. This dude just lacks principles. 

Legend of Legaia is an awesome rpg for psx that it seems very few played. 

He definitely has haki though. He parried S-hawk with his arm, and let's not forget that he is the one who is responsible for the scars on Shanks eye.

Computer died and reincarnated as the great sage to help its beloved companion

Rubik’s cube is actually deceptively easy to solve once you understand the trick to solving them. 

I think Totk is better than Botw in pretty much every concievable way

It just needs to be hype as fuck, that’s all.Â