A good old vulnerability hangover? You'll be fine. In fact, you will be better for it :) hang in there

I journal throughout the week. Then the night before I go through with a highlighter to pick out important bits and key themes (therapist's idea).

We then go through it in session.

I also have "homework" to do each week.

Basically, most of your improvement will come from what you do between sessions. You can then discuss any wins and problems in session.

I always thought of Land of Hope and Glory as the defacto alternative anthem.

Who said it had to be surprising? It made me smile.

Thank you so much for creating and sharing this absolute gem of a game. Best of luck for the future and if you do find another passion project, well, we'll be there :)

I imagine you are more vulnerable and in touch with your emotions now? Is there more truth and "a bit more of your soul" in your current work?

Ask them and discuss what you wrote here. They usually won't bring up something if you don't.

What a gorgeous boy, he must have had a good life. I hope my jack lives as long. Condolences ❤️

Criticism and vulnerability go hand in hand with art I'm afraid. Keep creating and remember why you create

Through my local rape crisis centre and then I stayed with them privately on sliding scale. My therapist is a gem.

Can you tell them beforehand what you want from them? It's your therapy.


I only just noticed a load of very blue plant pots by the front door. I've been going there weekly for nearly a year 🤦‍♀️

I struggle with dissociation and am much more present now.

I thought of one more thing. I often say the first thing that comes to mind with the caveat that it's not always right. E.g. "My first thought is...... but I don't think that's it" (and then I go on to explore my thought process more.

This really helps my therapist know what's happening and where I'm at. Sessions seem more collaborative now, too.

Oooh. Now that you mention it, I started cocking my head to one side and shifting position in my seat as a physical cue to say "I'm thinking about it" rather than automatically shutting the question down. It definitely helped.