Thank you these words, and thanks for sticking around!

This is my favorite, and I make sure to always have the 3 in stock at all times. Any dressing works. Lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley works, a sesame dressing, croutons and Caesar dressing, etc.

I have this combo probably 4 times a week, for years. Somehow, I'm never bored of it.

This is awesome, and can reflect a common meal in the states, especially the spaghetti/meatballs, bread, and salad. With that being said, the quality of US school lunches varies by district. Most lunches are just awful, but also, some schools have fast food restaurants inside.

I'm only on day 3, 10mg (I'll be doubling the dose tonight), for vertigo, and I definitely feel more positive. My last round of therapy really helped with anxiety, and as of yesterday, I've noticed that I haven't had the need to block intrusive thoughts (and their friends).

I don't get migraines often, but I do get them on occasion. The source of my vertigo is still unknown, but my doc has had me trying many different things. Prednisone was the worst. As of now, nortriptyline has been amazing, and I might ditch my cane soon! I might be speaking too soon since I've only just started. I hope you have great results!

Edit: Actually, how are you feeling now if you don't mind me asking?

This morning's "event" was normal, but I'm only on day 3 of 10mg, tonight I'll be doubling the dosage (as per my doc). Thanks for the heads up, I totally forgot this was going to be a thing, potentially.

When my drinking was worse and I was starting/trying to drink less, I started giving 2 beers and a few dollars or whatever change I had to panhandlers. I've given them herb and cigs as well.

Most of us agree that if we were to become homeless, we'd need something to get by. All it takes is a divorce, bankruptcy, medical issues, etc. Nobody got offended when I'd offer some beer or a sizeable roach leftover from last night. You're not a bad person at all for this. I personally believe those who judge you for this ha e no idea how close to homelessness they actually are.

Some people buy other patrons at their local bar drinks here and there, as a nice gesture. Why not do the same for someone truly struggling? The stigma of homelessness is staggering. Fight back that stigma, it comes from a judgemental place by people who think they'll never be in that situation.

I thought the same thing. It doesn't seem like they're beating and/or robbing OP ever. This was really confusing. If my roommates jumped me, I'd call the cops.

You most likely have dealt with other outbursts, and they probably won't stop. You could have easily walked back to the car together, put the knife in the car, and go back. The day will come when he's upset that you didn't back him up. It's manchild behavior.

When someone says they'll kill you, believe them. Call the cops. Get the cops involved! None of this is ok.

Yes, I had it done to mine. Just a reminder that this won't do proximity unlock, just remote start.

They're assholes. They have no shame and will have conversations on speakerphone in the public. Candy Crush sounds in the waiting room? That asshole parks like this. They probably never miss an exit while driving.

I'd be a bit annoyed if I were him, but it most likely doesn't matter. I'd rather be known for the hard work being that good of a fighter in the UFC than being some strong guy in some movies.

Does he expect the cat food to be odorless/flavorless? Does he expect a solution to this? There are no reasonable solutions to cat food having an odor. Complain to him about something he can't change every day.

I had to look it up, he's a Canadian actor and a mixed martial artist. I thought it meant the Garden State Parkway, one of a few main arteries that run through NJ (US).

I accidentally left Costco without scanning 3 years worth of garbage bags (just one box, but it's Costco). I did feel a little guilty, but this is not hurting their employees. It is certainly not hurting the CEO.

Keep it. Plenty of people do a lot worse, with intention.

Would this be considered a hotdish?

Fuck, this is wonderful. I often put cilantro or coriander chutney in my taco bell if I ever get it. Recreating the crunchwrap this way gives me a lot of ideas! I'm too lazy to enact said ideas. Put cilantro or coriander chutney on your taco bell!!!

I wish I could be there to do it back to her. Ohhh, this must be the American boomers I've heard about! She's as fat as the ones I've seen online! All while taking pics of her. Seriously, I hope the internet does find her and shames her even if she has none.

I'm using infinity+, and so far so good. Just wondering, is this post iOS? Or is it some child locked version of it? I don't know what iOS looks like anymore, but I can't imagine this is still it.

Edit: is this post, meaning is this a screenshot of iOS?

Is this a child locked phone? Or is this what apple still looks like?