If you torture data enough, it will eventually confess to anything you want.

How about we detail the dollar amount these billionaires pay vs the rest. Then compare their use of services paid for by those taxes compared to the rest.

as never been recorded to happen in June ever before

Want to guess how long these records have been kept? And how long the planet earth has been around. And no we're not talking about the Jehovah Witness version of Earth.

That's not the job of government.

So divert the money going to the billionaires to the churches instead. Untaxed earnings baby.

Yea as far as it being a bicycle. Ronaldo's goal, however, was technically perfect.

Investopedia is a good source for such info. Usually very clear.

FOK is immediate and unlikely to affect share price. Typically used for large orders. AON remains on the board and until executed leaving more time to affect pricing.

Great game. I'm currently playing Unicorn Overlord. Easily give it a 4.5/5.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs. Judge Andrew Napolitano or similar who understands and respects the constitution.

That's mostly true. There are a few who try to help the people generally. They don't last long. And if they do they don't make it anywhere near the top.

Yes Social Security. Put them to pasture at that age.

The US retirement age should apply to politicians as well.

Rape allegations were aired in 2019. Asylum in Russia in 2023. Hmm. You're supporting and defending a rapist buddy.

The former aide, Tara Reade, who briefly worked as a staff assistant in Mr. Biden’s Senate office, told The New York Times that in 1993, Mr. Biden pinned her to a wall in a Senate building, reached under her clothing and penetrated her with his fingers. A friend said that Ms. Reade told her the details of the allegation at the time. Another friend and a brother of Ms. Reade’s said she told them over the years about a traumatic sexual incident involving Mr. Biden.

Wowzers. So considerate for a rape victim. I mean she filed for political asylum over there in 2023. When did the rape allegations come out?

What number we at now? I've lost count.

While ignoring Biden's rapey ways. I mean Tara Reade hasn't gotten justice. I guess he being sexually assault:

In addition to her account of her experience with office staff, Reade said that in 1993, Biden forced an unwanted sexual encounter on her. She said Biden pushed her against a wall on the Capitol grounds, kissed her, and then digitally penetrated her — all against her will.