These will vine all over the place, if you really want to boost them when they start vining bury the vine in another spot and it will root and grab extra nutrients.

If they were healthy as can be before transplant yes. Also, they are green. Not brown.

Cucurbits really don’t like to be transplanted.

Direct sow next time.

Do you have an attic access up there?

How does an appraiser or an inspector know what was in the house before you bought it?

You think they’re keeping detailed records like this?

I’ve since quit playing the league so may be incorrect but the first 2 weeks there was an exploit where people were essentially printing HH like the federal reserve.

There probably is an aspect of “larger item, larger price tag,” but a lot of perennials will take longer to grow to be saleable and will often need more root space.

Some places will pot them up if they don’t sell and winter them for next year in a bigger pot.

Annuals are sold in small containers as flats because they seed them and grow them to sell every year. More flats, more money.

How much clearance do you have under that door?

Problem with wood on top of concrete is moisture can trap there. Limiting the life of the wood. You surely could do it. Also, what would you be fastening the wood to? Typically there is a frame.

Serious answer. Don’t waste your time. Buy a decent drill from big box store will cost around 100$ with a battery and charger and last you a lifetime.


Don’t set them and bait them for about a week.

Then set them all.

Guaranteed multi kills.

After the time expires your ship leaves orbit and strategems and reinforcements are disabled.

Another week or two.

Also second year blooms. Congrats. Mine took 3.

Is the amount of value in painting the building going to increase the amount of sale? If not, let them paint it. Maybe they want it hot pink.

Yeah..I’m guessing. I could login and find out.

Usually 2-4 hours twice a week for me for a few weeks. League start i usually get at least 6-8 hours in tho cause I’m glutton for punishment.

I hated my build and this league so I’m done after maybe a 100 hours. Usually only have time to play one toon.

I’d take it, because I’m a working dad who doesn’t have time to farm insane characters. I typically get 1 character to 90+ maybe 2. My league start this time was mediocre and I’m beginning to lose interest.

Thanks for the consideration.