That's very odd. I have a friend with a couple of GR's - he has never mentioned this. Maybe its hotter where you are, more consistently. Good luck.

Always, always a problem with Quince. Orders claimed delivered, not delivered. Runaround trying to get answers. They are very nice but totally incompetent. Sad, as their products are good.

Define "Hit On" is that like bumped into in a crowded place?

Never. Are you shooting video or stills?

60 something, going on 20.

It's incredibly sad, but it's reality. They really don't want to even acknowledge us in most cases..

Mick Jagger will be 81 next month. I would vote for him.

60 something, going on 20.

Time will move faster than you can imagine. There is little to nothing in society for you that is cool or fun. You will still feel young, feel like you always did, but young people don't want to talk to you - you will be looked at in disdain if you try to be friendly with younger people. You will become irrelevant at work, not because of anything other than young people not wanting to associate with you (Unless you are in a power position). Young people judge you on nothing other than you are older than them. Being in a room with people that are 10-20 years younger than you is like being on Mars. It is very difficult to have a good time, and your odds of having a summer romance are slim. The feeling of being at the end of the road is unnerving. You will eventually lose everything that you love...

60 something, going on 20.

Annoyed that they also discredit the people that made these things popular the first time.

This is the closest I have seen in a Fuji profile to real Kodachrome.

For some reason this woman annoys me.

All of these "formulas" never look better than the profiles included from the factory, and it's all moot if you shoot raw. Have you seen a Kodachrome recipe that actually looks like Kodachrome? I haven't. That goes for all of the other so-called film recipes imo.