looks like the UN has beef with the Great Lakes being under-developed.

just took the family, dog included, to watch fireworks. We sat in the car with windows down. She was sitting there watching the fireworks for 15 minutes.

Now, in good sadness, son Petruchio, I think thou hast the veriest shrew of all.

I swear Homer Simpson designed this thing.

"the property manager called me and basically said I can move out with no fees..."

Take her up on the offer. Get out of Dodge.

I doubt a piece of paper or the walls of your apartment can stop a rifle bullet.

I understand that I am old and get confused about the meaning of some thing about texting, but did she put the heart next your your comment? Doesn't that reflect that she loved your comment?

Hit the big ball far enough back, the club will bounce over the ball.

You're right. He doesn't play for Columbia so he should be fine.

As an aside, there is nothing he could have done. He reacted to a shot and did not have time to adjust when the goalie redirected the ball into his knee.

I have two of them. This is a higher end one because it has a gear on either end. I use these often.

Lawrence Ripple robbed a bank to get away from his wife. He took the nearly $3,000 and sat on a bench in the lobby. He surrendered right away.

He was sentenced to home confinement.