Maybe he can wrangle up another Sarah Palin ?? Wooo hooo if he did she was a disaster

MSNBC calls him out hourly, CNN the same, ABC doesn’t as much but still does, NBC does, lots of other news sights call him out hourly actually

Psychoarchy, I mean he can’t even figure out who’s going to run with him. I wonder how ( well not very rumor has it ) deep down the throat the candidate is going to have to take it ? Pence was the greatest VP ever he said. So how do you replace that ? MTG nawww she’s got Hunters dick on her mind all the time. Bobert ? She gobbles the goop, she could do it. Time will tell …..

Oh really ? Well maybe if you were t a sex offender, pervert, who cheats on everything he does, and lies every time he opens his mouth, doesn’t steal from charitys, file bankruptcy every chance you get, disgrace the office of the President, fuck over our allies, cheat on your taxes, screw over college students with you fake college, and just be an asshole 24/7 maybe more people would get behind you.

Attempting to figure out how the caps lock got stuck on.

That’s because independents value sane rational government, voting for people who actually go to Congress and the senate, to do the people’s business and not a bunch of retribution and nonsensical lies that make 0 sense.

Have to give them credit, they do explore every angle. Moronic as they are. Odd how there’s always a payoff with everyone else, but never Donald isn’t it ?

But, ( there’s always a but you know ) if he hadn’t “ banged “ a porn star, he wouldn’t have had to cook the books. Or his own ass lol

Love to buy one I have tons of glass

Well they saved the economy after George Bush totally fucked it so there’s that. Not to mention you rode in on the coattails if it, so there’s that also.

They are only dark days when you in them.

About your opinion ? Yeah you’d be correct no one cares.

It’s called human decency. And under our current constitution people have the right to live how they choose. Without your permission or approval.

No you are the same, same old trash you have always been, sending money to trash.

How do you get to a point in your life, where you feel this is ok ? What has to happen to you to attempt to ruin a mother’s memorial ? No decency, no morals, no conscience. This is what Trump has unleashed on the US and every day he is alive there will be more of this.

Yeah just stand with people that hate you, brilliant

Pretty rich for someone who spends a lot of his time in “ third world shitholes “ killing endangered animal for the fuck of it. Seriously who shoots an endagered argali sheep without a permit. But of course it’s 2019 and daddy called the Mongolian government and he got one retroactive. What a piece of shit.

Well we have decent people in charge, lots of water, plenty of green space, not to crowded roads, mostly sane people, and people are free to live their lives how they choose. Voila ! Happy people and low stress. Huge plus !!! We don’t have Ted Cruz whining at us all the time.