Wow, any links? I didn't know this.

I have been a loooooooooooooong time PDS watcher, like, his political views and maturity sort of grew up as I did. Started with MEGAN FOX WATCH and evolved infinitely from there.

In saying that, the one thing that I have jumped into the comments about on his videos at all in the last year has been his coverage of Hasan. I know that a lot of it is just putting in what gives the views, but it is a little disappointing seeing him still show clips of Hasan even after covering the Houthi shit.

IDK why I kind of want to see one naked now

Not every way, you obviously haven't watched the clip. 😉

But like... that's what the first comment was implying anyway? 

OP asked if they won, and the response was essentially "The other team lost."

If you don't think that's a weird response then you might need to see a doctor my boy

What a confusing way to say 'yes'

It was always going to be an unprecedented clusterfuck, now it's going to be 'Merica 

Firstly, I'm not in the US, I'm in Aus.

Second, why are you replying to my comments from 7 years ago lol

At least your pawn is getting bigger

Sex lips, more like it.

Am I right??

Um actually, The Lord of the Rings trilogy comes in at a total of 54 hours, so it's impossible for just ONE book to be 9 hours 😅

Unless, ya know, he decides that he likes how a certain cityscape looks a bit more without a couple of the towers...