Last time I went to a dentist to get some cavities filled they messed up the left side of my mouth and I struggle to eat on that side now because of the pain. The pain is in a very specific part of my tooth. The inside of the tooth where it dips down in the center. I can’t eat anything crunchy on that side of my mouth because if anything touches that specific spot it has shooting pain. I can barely eat anything chewy anymore on that side as well and I’m just at a loss. The other side of my mouth is starting to hurt because I am using it so much more than my left side.

After that whole ordeal I tried to get it fixed and literally every dentist I’ve been to has no idea why I’m in pain and has told me to “wait it out”. I’ve had the tooth shaven down, refilled, and even had a crown on and nothing has helped. I’m about to pull the tooth out if I cannot figure out what is wrong and I have no clue where to go from here. My most recent dentist insists I don’t need a root canal as my root is very healthy and doesn’t have any darkness underneath it. I believe him as he’s been a dentist for 30 years, he was the one who suggested the crown but it feels worse with the crown in.

Does anyone have suggestions on what the problem may be and how to address it? This has caused me so much stress as this all began from getting the filling in the first place. I’m just so nervous that when I go back it’s only going to get worse. My tooth is already so shaven down from the crown and I feel like there isn’t any saving it.