If there’s whistle-able contact, I don’t see a problem with indicating it to the refs. They miss many things no? Even clear contact can appear innocuous, but on closer inspection its an obvious foul, sometimes even shown to be reckless from the opponent. So the one being fouled is entitled to clearly indicate there was an offense, even in ridiculous ways. Better this than letting reckless brutes get their way.

I don't think that's very realistic or optimistic what you just said.

He's an absolute beast, top 2-3 CB in the world. And he might be clownin but at least he's not a psychopath like Pepe or Ramos.

Hope you're doing alright buddy. Never lose the faith. Goodness is out there, it just might not be where you are for a while. But keep on moving and you'll find it. Like pockets of warmth in a cold lake.

Makeup can look rly amazing, but I think there’s something attractive on a deeper level when a woman doesn’t wear heavy makeup. It shows an acceptance of oneself, and an appreciation for all the characteristics a person can have besides their appearance. Which rly is where true attractiveness is rooted. Appearance is literally superficial. It does matter, but the person behind it matters much more.

Thank goodness no one is asking you to

For almost all of us, I basically agree.

 One piece of evidence to the contrary would be that there are mystics out there who have found evidently boundless joy, by sitting in caves and meditating. 

Of course most of us aren’t meditating that much or living full-on monkmode to reach those states. But it makes me wonder actually if it’s true that we need other people to be happy. Maybe a genuine and complete self-love is sufficient. 

I understood him just fine. Worry about yourself mate

It’s goddamn impossible sometimes. And that’s okay. We are all a perpetually changing process that is sometimes self-aware, and very often that process simply does what it does.

I think it starts with acceptance and self-love. We’re all human beings, we all have our qualities, eccentricities, and failings. And we all have potential to become something greater. But I’ve found that that path doesn’t truly begin until we can accept what we are, in the present. In our multicolored entirety.

Then it’s just patience, and trusting the process. Care for your process and good things will come.

It’s actually uncanny the way the ball finds its way to his teammates. There was a moment yesterday when I was absolutely sure he’d given it away. The ball was bobbling thru a forest of opponents’ legs, only to arrive miraculously to his teammate at the top of the box. Goddamn ball-whisperer

I’m sorry to hear about these thoughts you are having.

While committed and skilful practice will help you “feel better”, there is a curious but very real paradox to appreciate here. The practice that will help you is in fact letting go of your wish that what you are doing will help. Said in another way, only when you accept what sensations, thoughts and emotions are there, without reservation and without condition, and calmly observe the entire process from a balanced state of presence, will your mind begin to recondition itself in the way that you would hope. 

When you find yourself “seeing” thoughts such as the ones you describe, check your attitude. If some part of you is wishing that they would go away, or that you felt better, you are caught by thinking, not being mindful. Mindfulness is nonjudgmental awareness. Begin again, and gently bring awareness to your object of meditation, whether its the breath or something else. 

The beauty, and relief, of it is, true mindfulness is in fact exceedingly simple. When it feels hard, or frustrating, those are further signs that one is (as by default) lost in thought. One must simply keep trying to follow the instructions until its understood what is meant. Additional thinking will not bring you to the solution. Only doing the practice successfully, and experiencing it first-hand will provide the insight. And that moment will arrive when it arrives. Just do your best.

So as often as you remember, ask yourself, “what does my mind feel like in this moment?” and love and accept what is there, no matter what it feels like.

Good luck, I hope that helps.

If you think honestly that the accident of your birth has nothing to do with how you succeed in life, you're just another self-deluded asshole

You have any idea what poverty is like? Everything about your entitled, pseudo-intellectual attitude indicates you have no fucking idea. Kindly keep your thoughts to yourself until you have some semblance of perspective

“I never think of unique questions”

Immediately asks a great question that I also would like to know his answer to. 

Let that be a lesson to ya pal

Back when the ps5 came out, I felt like I couldn’t come up with enough good reasons get it. Not too many games were catching my eye and the graphic improvement felt underwhelming. Bought Returnal on a friend’s recommendation and the haptic feedback floored me. Convinced me immediately the upgrade was worth the purchase

Ha! You're a goddamn genius. Never again will I pinch myself to stay awake

What you "always" do, is simply what has happened up until now. Your future is written only to the degree that you believe it is.

Choose a different narrative, and take as many actions as you can to support that new narrative. It must be true AND constructive. You can try on, "I'm a flawed human being, on a path of growth. I have fallen and will fall again. But these aren't reasons not to keep trying, because someday I'll wake up and know that I've made progress. And if progress has been made, progress can continue to be made."

To be fair, Lewandowski was shining bright for a very long time before Flick. But yes, they likely will enter next season with a positive understanding of each other

I just think we all need to sit back, recline, let it sink in, maybe pop a brew, and let the man prove if he has what it takes to get comfortable and be a good couch

We’re in agreement my friend, though it may not seem so to you. All of your sources are good, and don’t contradict what I’m actually saying.

Unnecessary and not appreciated by anyone. Why write it at all?

For sure there is artistry in many every day objects. Probably most things in out daily life are created with some consideration towards aesthetic, imbuing it with artistry. But to say everything created by humans contains art is just a bit sensational. 

My point was not that manufactured goods cannot contain artistry. It was that not everything created by humans contains artistry. The toilet made specifically as art is made art because of the artist’s intention. A plastic toilet seat manufactured for mass production is not art because it was not intended to be. 

The intention of the creator matters, and the reaction of the observer matters. If there’s nothing expressed or felt on either side, where is the artistry?


I’m not sure I really agree tho.   

 In my view, a garbage truck was not created with any artistic intention. Or a cheap plastic toilet seat. They are creations of pure functionality. There was no need within the inventor of the garbage truck to express themselves in any particular way. There was zero artistic imperative.   

 On the more debatable end of the spectrum, there is what many would call “art” which is created not to express anything of importance to the creator, but to evoke some specific reaction in  the beholder, whether it be shock or wonder or titillation. This in my view enters the territory of entertainment, and has less artistic value than the work created from an imperative within the artist.  

And I don’t mean to say entertainment doesn’t have it’s own value, it absolutely does. I don’t mean to create a heirarchy here. I just mean to point out that art to me is a unique human endeavour, both unique from and related to the equally important task of problem solving and other kinds of human ingenuity.