Cena putting over a Face Austin Theory would actually be awesome. He's my pick (other than Orton) for a final match against Cena.

I'm tired of Cena putting over people. I want his last match to be with Randy for the title.

I've been watching seriously for a little longer than you and I never got the Nakamura hype either. The best thing about him is his amazing theme song and cool entrance. He can't talk, and in ring he's extremely over hyped.

Tbf considering how he basically didn't do anything the whole time, I'd say he just likes to take it slow.

Logan is probably one of the most naturally gifted athletes to ever wrestle. The fact that he got this good this quick into his career is an achievement in and of itself.

Actually insane how fast it can get. I bought it just to beat a single time trial that I couldn't beat with the Karin S95, and now it's the thing I drive the most.

What sets Ford apart from Melo and Ricochet is that the dude is huge. This guy could be a world champion even in Vince's era going off by looks alone. Add in his insane charisma and the best frog splash in the business and you have a guaranteed top guy.

If she's rushing a government building or something no military is deploying anti tank rifles in time before she deals serious damage.

Early Tribal Chief Roman would win, but Super Cena beats full bloodline Roman.

Someone weaker that could still tank gunfire (like Starlight) would be a better option here. Blend in, get to an important location, walk in and just start killing important people.

Absolutely it. The MkII's real utility after it got nerfed into the floor is to just use it to get the high ground b

Most of your guys don't compare to Randy in terms of impact on the wrestling world and time at the top.

There's a bigger difference in durability between Homelander and A-train as opposed to A-train and a normal human.

Frenchie's actually been completely useless to the team this season. Earlier on in the show he was a great wildcard and actually contributed to the plans. But as he got more screen time he gradually just become less useful.

A Train was never shown to be on the top tier in terms of durability. He's super level durable, but kimiko is also super level strong.

She was sorta handling herself against kimiko, but I guess that isn't really high tier strength either.

I'm surprised she hasn't made an effort to teach Hughie/Annie her version of sign language, I'm sure they'd like to learn.

No worries. Superhero media always makes up its own scientific rules but if we wanna bring up real world science into it, we atleast gotta be consistent lol.

That actually makes a lot of sense. I assumed she just spoke common sign language.

That also kinda explains why no one but Frenchie understands her.

It doesn't always, but if OP wants to mention Newton's second law it's only fair I bring up the third law as well.